Blog Post

Nell Arnaud's Blog

Nov 23, 2020

The simple process of feeling the light in your body is one of the most important meditation processes you can do. It promotes feelings of well-being and is an expression of your spiritual presence. The more you do this process, you actually increase consciousness or spiritual light in your personal life while enhancing the light of consciousness to this world.

That’s really all the instruction there is: Feel the light in the cells of your body. All you have to do is simply allow yourself to do it. The main reason for being alive is to learn to live with an awareness of spirit  being in the forefront of your life. This meditation helps you do that. I love simple forms of meditation and healing for these are consistently the most powerful and effective. This particular process is definitely one of them.

This process is so fundamental you could teach it to a child. If I were still teaching elementary school children, I would definitely include this in my classes several times a day. I imagine myself saying the following to my 4th grade students: 
The light makes you smarter, more creative and it feels good. It allows the best parts of you to be present. What happens when you walk into a dark room? It’s easy to feel confused and you can’t see where you’re going. You begin to feel around to find the light switch and when you find it, what happens to the darkness when you turn on the light? When the light comes on, you can relax, you are calm for you know where you’re going because you can see and think more clearly. So before each class, I will guide you to spend 20-30 seconds feeling the light in the cells of your body.”

How easy is that?!?! However, one of the biggest problems with this work in that it’s so simple, your complex mental mind wants to overlook it and move on to other matters of seemingly greater importance. Appeal to your mental faculties to drop the complexity and allow this simple yet transformational healing tool to change your personal life and create a better world for us all.

Here are some important notes that may improve your understanding of this simple, graceful process, which you can begin to do right away even as you read this. 

• In order to bring more Spiritual Light into your life and world, begin by feeling the light of Spirit in all the cells of your physical body. You may feel the cells in your body tingling with the light of Spirit. If you only feel the tingling in your hands or another part of your body, know that that’s a good beginning. Your experience of this will only grow from there the more you practice. Remember to keep it simple—because it is.  

• But what if you don’t feel a thing? What if there’s no tingling in your body anywhere? What if you feel nothing! I recommend you use an affirmation, such as: “I now feel the light in all the cells of my body.” Then wait and bring your attention to feel what your body is feeling. You can also use the affirmation, “I now feel the love light in all the cells of my body”. Then wait and see if you can actually feel those loving feelings throughout your body.  

• Feeling the light, is the same as feeling your spirit, or feeling your consciousness, or feeling love. The most predominant quality of spirit is love, so you may also experience a state of feeling love.  

• The more you recognize the feeling of spirit in your body, your demeanor should be, “This is my best friend who gives me everything.” 

• You will evolve, not through your crown chakra or your higher mental faculties, but through the cells of your physical body. FEEL your Spirit in your physical body at a cellular level. Spirit is in you and all around you, yet how often do you stop to be aware of this mighty force orchestrating your life? Allow yourself to soften your mental thoughts whenever you don’t need them and Feel your Spirit. 

• Amplifying the light of Spirit instantly begins to set in motion a number of beneficial states. It activates healing of your personal issues—physical, emotional or mental, it provides a greater measure of protection and empowerment, it helps you to remember your true, authentic self, it improves your immune system and many other physical functions of the body, it soothes the emotional body, it gives the mental body a nice rest that it so needs and so much more. All healing energy comes from the source of Spirit. And remember, if ever you’re being challenged by another person or situation, that’s the perfect time to amplify, magnify your light of Spirit.

• Here is another simple exercise you can use to build your awareness of Spirit: Take a deep breath and as you slowly exhale, raise the light of your Spirit as much and as comfortably as you can. The breath is the symbol for Spirit, so allow the positive effects of your breath and Spirit to be felt deeply, fully all over your body.

Obviously, you need to think to perform in a job and be mental from time to time, but no one needs to be thinking while doing dishes, taking a bath or taking a walk or various other tasks we do throughout the day. Be aware of feeling your Spirit and learn to live from this state. Eventually, you’ll be feeling Spirit in daily life and that sweetly makes life much more alive and joyful. It’s by far a healthier state to live in where healing energy moves through you at all times.

Your Conscious Awareness grows the more you include your Spirit Consciousness in everything you do. When you make a cup of tea, affirm that it’s your Spirit who makes the tea. When you walk up a flight of stairs, think to yourself, every step I take is my Spirit doing that. Ultimately, you’ll be bringing the light of Spirit into everything you do. This will shift the quality of your life. It will bring more light into your personal life and bring your radiant light of Spirit to this world.

The following excerpt is from The Power of Now by Eckhard Tolle:

" Anything unconscious dissolves when you shine the light of consciousness on it. Once you know how to dissolve ordinary unconsciousness, the light of your presence will shine brightly and it will be much easier to deal with deep unconsciousness whenever you feel it’s gravitational pull."

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