Chapter IV MOTT_Prosperity

Might of the Thoughts Study Guide

Chapter IV
Might of the Thoughts and Prosperity
In Chapter 4 of Might of the Thoughts, Billy gives examples of right and  wrong ways of thinking and the effects. He uses the example of someone with financial difficulties.  However, you could apply these concepts to address any issue or situation. Everyone can relate to financial issues. Improving or effecting a change in your life’s situation has everything to do with changing your thoughts toward the positive or more specifically, neutral-positive-equalised thinking. 

Symptoms of a Person with Financial Problems
  • They feel wretched in their situation.
  • They have wishes and hopes to end the bad financial problems.
  • They may have depression about burdening situations.
  • They have desires that everything turns out well.
  • They may feel justified to deceive or cheat the employer because an insufficient wage is paid.
  • They may want to maintain a life in idleness, laziness and parasitically letting others work.   
  • They may have absolutely no responsibility for self, fellow humans and entire environment.   
  • The thoughts constantly direct a mis-driven attitude towards life, and complete irresponsibility dominates.
  • Through wrongly guided thoughts, a person makes completely unsuitable choices.
  • Some humans are incapable of freeing and raising themselves out of their impoverished circumstances or out of a wretched personal state and other negative circumstances.
  • Wrong thinking, wrong wishes, hopes and actions, attract ever worsening circumstances and situations as well as ever worsening inner conditions and states.
  • The person maintains wishes, hopes and yearnings which do not agree with the good and the positive, and therefore do not harmonize with them.
  • The absence of evolutive, positive thinking—promotes the might of the negative, weak, lazy and deceptive thoughts in which such a person wallows.
  • Negative, weak, lazy and deceptive thoughts become real by means of their might, because they become reality.
  • Most humans do not think consciously, but largely, unconsciously; consequently, it is almost always the unconscious cause of circumstances in which they live.
  • While a person wants the good and the positive, they constantly prevent exactly the achievement of that through wrongly steered thoughts.
  • The person maintains wishes, hopes and yearnings which do not agree with the good and the positive, and therefore do not harmonize with them.

How to Improve your Financial Situation
  • Thoughts need to be consistent with wanting to live differently and having more money and being able to change the bad situation.
  • Nothing other than the thoughts are decisive in how one’s life and circumstances form. 
  • Maintain the corresponding positive thoughts which pertain to the possibility for change, for example, daily work must be engaged in and money must be earned.
  • Thoughts are mightfully converted into actions.
  • The might of the thinking determines all circumstances and situations of life which the person consciously, or unconsciously, thinks up.
  • Every person needs to effectively recognize the sense of the life, the understanding of life, as well as the simple fundamental principles creating true prosperity.
  • Evolutive thinking, and thereby positive thinking—that is to say, neutral-positive-equalised thinking is necessary for a good, prosperous and balanced life.
  • Neutral-positive-equalised thoughts are so mightful that they can evolutively reach the relatively highest possible form.

Quotes by Billy Meier
  • Follow the laws of the thinking and pay attention to the might of the thoughts to a proper and conscious degree, then everything quickly changes for the good and the positive. 
  • It is clear: thoughts and actions which are negative and ungood in turn create results which are negative and ungood. However, positive and good thoughts lead to good and positive results.
  • However, thoughts must be neither purely negative nor purely positive, but equalised; indeed, neutral-positive equalised. That means that thoughts are certainly maintained in a positive form but negative inclusions must also be allowed in them.

Mightful Affirmations for Prosperity
  • I am the forger of my own good fortune.
  • I am successful in all I do.
  • I create my own true prosperity.
  • I live a healthy, conscious, sovereign life.
  • I steer my thoughts like a captain steers his ship.
  • My thinking is directed at honesty and righteousness.
  • I create my own financial well-being.
  • I transform my mightful thoughts into reality.
  • My thoughts are realized as consciously directed acts and deeds.
  • I create my own good luck.
  • I am the master of my thoughts.
  • I strengthen my thoughts.
  • I nurture my thoughts.
  • I clarify my thoughts.
  • I keep my thoughts focused.

Student Interaction

I got work in the last couple days which is fabulous. Within this work I had the opportunity to be extremely negative, or unrealistically positive. Each time I was offered this, I was able to pull back, and observe the tendency to negativity. I was able to make the decision to acknowledge but choose a positive approach to problems at hand anyway. This was very successful.

Another thing that happened was I had the opportunity to deal with the security guard at an office that was closed but the Internet had told me was open. With my comic loud mouth, I said “This is ridiculous!" It wasn’t until I saw the look on his face that I realized I had frightens him. I forget that these are the days of guns and any kind of an affront can be frightening to someone. So I made a joke and apologized; but, of course, it was not good.  I carried in me the feeling of overwhelming failure and responsibility and had to work very hard to repair my psyche all the rest of that day.

So I decided to use the daily affirmations. I said:

I am confident
I am optimistic
I am relaxed
I am sorry
I am responsible
I am cheerful
I am enthusiastic
And I am thankful

This helped so I didn’t bring my disappointment in myself to my job the next day, thereby creating negativity in that setting.  I was able to handle whatever was thrown at me and have a good day. 

Nell's Response

This student sees herself falling into old patterns of negativity .  She observes those old habits of negativity and then makes a choice to approach her issues with more positivity.  Sometimes Her attempts to change her circumstances are successful, sometimes they aren’t.  Yet she continues to learn from every experience.  So both experiences of success and what she refers to as “failure" yield beneficial results.

Nell's Comments

When we first began this Study Group, there were six people who shared with me that you did not have enough work and you were concerned about financial issues. Since that time, three of you reported that you are working and the money is flowing again.  So that’s always good to hear. 

I was reading Chapter 4 and Billy writes about people with financial problems and what is the biggest cause of that.  Obviously, he would say it comes from the thoughts—which he does.  With this in mind, I’ve written notes on delving deeper into this type of situation since it’s a common issue that most relate to at one time or another.  But, please note, that Billy uses the issues of financial challenges  merely as an example for how to creatively remedy life’s situation with the might of your thoughts. 

You could apply that thinking to any of life’s situation.  Billy’s information in Chapter 4 is far more extensive than this topic of financial security. Again, I chose to focus on this topic since it was in the forefront of several people’s minds.

Student Interaction

Yes, I loved this chapter! 

What I took away from it is:  Responsibility for my own happiness, health, and wealth.

Certainly there are some outside forces; but, I can also meditate on mitigating their influence in my life.

I once got into a bad argument unintentionally. I walked in a room and someone was saying “ ...she’s such a hustler.”   I took huge offense at this term!  I shouldn’t have.

What they were discussing is how you can’t be lazy, If you are broke, get a job, and how I work at so many jobs to keep financially afloat. They were complimenting me. I had taken it the wrong way!  Sometimes, I can’t take "yes" for an answer. LOL!

Student Interaction

Just a few comments/observations/experiences with the book, as well as the affirmations. 
  1. I just cannot read many pages of the book at one time.  I feel like I’m trying to run thru tar.  The words seem to hold me back and keep me in the page – not allowing me to move/read quickly.  I re-read and re-read the same section or paragraph and eventually I feel like I’m now free (I keep hearing the word ‘allowed’) to move forward and read more.  Then I read along and get stuck in another section of quicksand.  It’s very interesting and quite powerful.  I felt it was meant for me to stay and absorb whatever was written/meant/encoded in those sections, so I allow myself to only read what feels free and relaxed.  It was confirmed by an energy worker, that I should only read a page or so at a time, then let it set in.  VERY intriguing.
  2. When saying the affirmations, I get lots and lots of energy.  I cannot say them at night!!! I cannot sleep!  I say them in the morning and throughout the day and when a negative thought pops into my head….but not in the evenings!
  3. Our son is having a court date coming up and I felt it was going to end well.  Then negativity and fear popped in and I fell into it.  I stopped and repeated the affirmations over and over.  Felt good.  Surrounded the judge (whoever it will be, the lawyer, and our son in divine light).  I could see us leaving the courthouse with a satisfactory outcome.  I could deeply feel the relief and exhale… then I’d fall into the fear again.  It hits hard.  I’d repeat the affirmations and procedure over and over again, get the positive visuals/feelings again…  ooops, from left field the fear and negativity would come up again.  Then I started feeling inadequate, this is not working, I am not able to keep the negativity away, etc etc…   I’d start all over again. I ended up being ok…it’s stable now.  I feel tired and worn but it feels like the negativity and fear are negated.  That was a wonderful opportunity to practice what I am reading and committed to trying!  It showed me how focused and consistent and committed I need to be.  It was interesting to see my ego/past patterns come up and how deeply they can sway me.  It was interesting to be able to sit back and observe all this happening to myself!  Whew!!!  What a rollercoaster!  I feel like it was an exercise for future possible topics I will want to control my thoughts on… to find the balance between the negative and positive.

Student Interaction

You said something in an email that really hit me in the right place. It was about the balance between the positive and negative thinking, the positive-neutral thinking. I suddenly had this aha moment where I realized that the goal is not to eradicate the negative thoughts but rather balance them with the positive. This immediately opened something up inside of me to allow more positive thinking to come in! Since then I have been saying the affirmations more regularly and feeling their positive effects. Sometimes the resonance of the affirmations last a bit and sometimes they can last longer, but I feel them more now and I think I am more committed for some reason than I had been before.

The last few days, I’ve felt some heavy intense energy, and even though my mind can go to the deeply negative thoughts associated with these feelings or vice-versa, it is easier (than it has been in the past) to move into a positive place, even with the feelings still there, if that makes sense. So saying these affirmations over and over again has really helped me take more responsibility for my thoughts. This is a huge deal for me and a big awareness. This is very different than past modalities I’ve used of mindfulness meditation and being the observer of negative thoughts. That never worked for me. 

Reading the book also feels like moving through molasses. When I first picked it up I got a terrible headache. Then, I put it down. The next day I took it with me on all my errands in the car and sat it on my lap and simply sat with the energy of the book. This was a great first step. I’ve only started to read it and I’ve had to repeat many of the sentences and then I stopped. I really resonate with the idea of taking it in as I am able and in small increments. This makes it so much more accessible for me.

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