Might of the Thoughts Study Guide

Might of the Thoughts Study Guide
How to create a beautiful life for yourself and the Earth.

by  Nell Arnaud

 From the book:
Might of the Thoughts...
by Eduard Albert "Billy" Meier

Introduction to Might of the Thoughts Study Guide

Welcome to all the possibilities of life.

Do you want to change your life, get healthy, have happy, positive thoughts that enhance your life and your world? If so, then you might want to get a copy of Billy Meier's book, Might of the Thoughts .

You will learn that your thoughts are very powerful. Thoughts determine your destiny, your happiness and even the health of your body and mind. It is your responsibility to learn to manage the power of your thoughts and create the reality of your own choosing.

This Study Guide was created  by a study group  and  it contains a compilation of Student Interaction and my Comments--our work together thus far using the book. We will continue to update our findings and share with those interested people with similar interest who also want to make their lives better. The more conscious we become creates a more conscious environment for the Earth to be a better place for all. 

You can read the Might of the Thoughts  book on your own while utilizing this Study Guide to help support your study at your own pace. 

Whenever you avail yourself of this Study Guide, you will benefit from the works of students who studied together. May you feel the support of our collective findings with Might of the Thoughts. This is our way of changing our lives personally.  We wish to extend our findings with you so that the Study Guide helps others interested in this enormously important material.  

You can purchase a copy of the book from “They Fly Online Store.”

http://www.theyfly.com/shop/the-might-of-the-thoughts.html -

The cost is approximately $56 plus shipping and handling. 


Nell Arnaud

About Billy Meier

Billy Meier, author of Might of the Thoughts, was born on February 3, 1937.  He lives in Switzerland.  He is a UFO Contactee and has been in communication with beings from another world since the age of 5.   He has authored 65 books of detailed self-help comprehensive works.

This book, Might of the Thoughts, presents a practical approach to how to master your thoughts. This is the key to happiness and directly influences the evolution of your consciousness.
“…The root and the fruits of all human phenomena are one's own consciousness
and its thoughts, the might of which translates everything into reality…”
Billy Meier

The following is a description by Dyson Devine, who translated Might of the Thoughts from German into English.
Of all Billy’s uniquely personally helpful books begging to be translated, Might of the Thoughts was decided upon as THE book to undertake first, simply because a working knowledge of the contents of this particular book provides the golden key, for those who do not have access to the German language, to all his other works. In short, it does this by teaching us how to think.

... And it reveals the priceless personal treasures which are waiting to be found in that previously hidden empire, which, once they are simply accepted, finally endow us with all the tools we need to actually save and revolutionize our one beautiful beleaguered planet.
From the Translator, Dyson Devine, on 8th April 2013

The Purpose of "Might of the Thoughts Study Group"

The purpose of this Study Group is to help you, and all interested ones, navigate safely through times of great change and uncertainty, as well as to bring in some intelligence, greater levels of consciousness and reason to the world.  This will be accomplished through the Might of the Thoughts Study Group. This group is open to any sincere seeker willing to work on the power of their thoughts. 

In order to make this Study Group accessible to everyone, the information we develop together will be updated periodically here in this Might of the Thoughts Study Guide.  You will be able to read the findings of others striving to comprehend this material. You will be able to see the comments of others who read the book and a synopsis of the chapters as we go along. This is designed to be supportive to those who read the book.  But getting the book for yourself is the best.  If ever the grid goes down, know that you’d have a really good life-changing book to read. There are those individuals who have read this book several times. They say they learn something new each time.

There’s nothing like the works of Billy Meier anywhere on this world.  A race of extraterrestrial, benevolent beings called the Plejarens, from the part of space known as the Pleiades, chose Billy to deliver the spiritual teachings to the humans of Earth.  The contacts began when Billy was 5 years of age and this is on-going 70 plus years later.  This may seem fantastic to some, but before you establish opinions about this, I suggest you read the material to discern for yourself.    

The book is translated from German into Classic British English.  A tremendous amount of care and diligent work has been taken in order for this work to be published to present to us the most accurate information possible.  Billy consistently puts a great deal of emphasis on precision and accuracy.  So this work was very carefully and meticulously constructed for you.  

The Teachings of the Spirit were once here on this Earth from ancient times and are now part of the storage banks of this planet.  (The storage banks are what some refer to as the "Akashic Records.")  Whenever you read the works in German there is an Evolution Code inbued in every German word that slowly releases the Spiritual wisdom from the storage banks into your consciousness to help your spiritual growth and evolution.  But since most of us don’t know German, we can still read the English and begin to understand the Teachings of the Spirit for ourselves but without the Evolution Code.  According to the Plejarens, the German language was the only suitable language in all of Earth languages for the Evolution Code to be used. Those of you who know German have an advantage. 

Think good thoughts!

Welcome to the
Galactic Community…
This picture was taken from Hubble's eXtreme Deep Field Image (NASA) and presented on the Smithsonianmag.com website.

At first glance, you may appreciate the beauty of space and the light of the stars. Some of these lights are nearby stars, but if you look closely, most of these lights are actually galaxies—this is a picture of our universe. With all this universal vastness, how can you think of Earth as the only habitable planet in the universe?
We need to open our minds to this reality and see ourselves as part of a galactic community. There are other races of humans and myriad of life forms throughout the universe. You’ll come to know some of them from reading this material.

Whenever you read the works of Billy Meier, you’re sure to encounter the UFO issue. Billy has been a UFO Contactee since the age of 5.  Born on February 3, 1937, Billy resides in a small town called "Hinterschmidrüti," about 40 minutes from Zurich, Switzerland.

Might of the Thoughts was written by Billy Meier with the help of his off-world friends—a race of very spiritually evolved, benevolent beings called the Plejarens. Their home planet is in the star constellation of the Pleiades. Some people are unable to relate to the topic of UFOs.   But, if you allow your mind to examine the works of Billy Meier, you’ll come to see a body of work that expands your thinking for greater purposes. This work was created with a tremendous attention to detail, depth, precision, logic, and accuracy so that many can benefit from this great book.

To this day, Billy continues to have contact with the Plejarens, and with beings from other worlds, as well. Billy’s days are filled with diligent activity--working on his farm, writing his books. He hopes that one day, many humans will comprehend his message and realize you have much more power than you were ever taught to believe you have. The Plejarens continue to have contact with him, answering his questions, helping him with his writings so we all receive the information in the best format to help us evolve.

On page xiii at the beginning of Might of the Thoughts, is a contact between Billy and Ptaah in the exact wording of their conversation. Ptaah is a Plejaren who maintains close contact with Billy.

In this particular contact, they discuss the languages of Earth for the purpose of translating Billy’s books in a truthful representation. They had over 200 of their Plejaren linguists closely examine all the languages of Earth and found all to be inadequate except for the German and Swiss German languages. According to Ptaah, the translation of the Spiritual Teachings and all of Billy’s works, into other Earth languages represent a poor reflection regarding the true sense and meaning.
Here is a sketch of Ptaah, (Pa tah). He is the leader of the Plejaren world. This representation of Ptaah reflects a human being who is noble, loving, kind and wise. Now, here is someone who has long ago mastered neutral-positive-equalised thinking. The link below connects you to his bio and you will see he is human—like you and me. 

The Plejarens prefer a first name basis. They are on a spiritual path, as we are, but the Plejarens are much more advanced than we are. They prefer not to be worshipped or thought of as angels or to have any sort of hierarchical status. They know that we all carry the same expression of Creation within us and that essentially—we are all the same. Read his bio so you can learn a bit more about him.


Student Interaction

I started reading the MOTT book finally. I was kind of taken aback by the force of words they use to describe how inadequate languages other than German are, particularly the American English language. Wow! No mincing words here. I am a German native speaker (I was born and raised in Germany) and I am still fluent in German as well as English so I feel very fortunate to be able to read it in the original.

From the Foreword of Might of the Thoughts by Elisabeth Moosbrugger

Elisabeth Moosbrugger, long-time friend and associate of Billy Meier wrote the Foreword to Might of the Thoughts (MOTT). She said:

So the book while lies before you is dedicated to a humankind which is ill in its consciousness, so that it again finds the creational-natural way which it lost a long time ago.”

"However, the majority of so-called helpers is seldom in a position to actually help these human beings because it simply lacks the necessary knowledge as to how it must correctly treat those who are ill in their consciousness and psyche. This gap is filled by the contents of this book."

Nell's Notes and Comments

The book, Might of the Thoughts, by Billy Meier reminds us that negative thinking creates great levels of suffering in our lives.  In this work, Meier reminds us that our thoughts really do create our reality.  The many problems in daily life can promote negative thoughts that create a downward spiral of hopelessness and misery.  Meier suggests that we consciously change our negative thoughts to positive. 

Whenever you realize that you’ve become limited in a negative pattern, simply and consciously change your negative thinking to positive.  Another way is to simply allow yourself to think and feel more positive thoughts throughout your day.

Don’t pollute your energy field and contribute to the negativity of our world.  Below is a list of positive affirmations that you may draw from thereby creating better experiences for yourself and a better world for us all.  Most of these affirmations are taken from the suggestions in the book, Might of the Thoughts

I encourage you to choose the affirmations which most accurately resonates with you. Say them or think them often.  Meier especially encouraged the use of the first 5 affirmations on this list.
  • I am confident.
  • I am optimistic.
  • I am relaxed.
  • I am cheerful.
  • I am enthusiastic.
  • I am thankful.
  • I am in harmony.
  • I persist.
  • I persevere.
  • I endure.
  • I am healthy.
  • I am joyous.
  • I am happy.
  • I am protected.
  • I am sovereign.
  • I am secure.
  • I am satisfied.
  • I am Master of my own Destiny.
  • I am Captain of my own Ship.
  • I am the Forger of my own Fortune.
  • I create my own good luck.
  • I keep my thoughts focused.
  • I am successful.
  • I am enough in all I do.
  • I am powerful.
  • I am beautiful.
  • I am autonomous.
  • I am free.
Daily Meditations
  • I live in Love.
  • I live in Peace.
  • I live in Freedom
  • I live in Harmony
  • I live Blithefully (joyously and carefree)
  • I live in Health.
  • I live in Joy.

Student Interaction

For many months now I have been experiencing intense psychic pain and fear intermittently.   Since using the affirmations: “I am confident, I am optimistic, I am thankful,” I have been feeling some relief. At first, there was a push back and I felt my negative thoughts pushing back. Is this normal?  I stopped briefly but then kept going. This morning, for example, I woke up as I normally do in a body that is feeling intense fear. I kept saying the affirmations and my heart calmed down.

Nell's Response

Good that you continue to push through your fears and pain and keep doing the affirmations!  You are repairing your psyche when you do. 

In my opinion, the simple processes, the ones that anyone can do—the ones you could literally teach to a child, are the most effective.  They are the most powerful and the most long-lasting.  These five affirmations are a good example of that.  It’s also beneficial when you do the affirmations, that you feel their effects. That gives you the incentive to keep going.  Whenever you feel the beneficial results, you know it’s actually working.
  • I am confident.
  • I am optimistic.
  • I am relaxed.
  • I am cheerful.
  • I am enthusiastic.
You mention that at first when you started doing the affirmations, you felt the negative thoughts push back. This is normal for our world. Unfortunately, because we have negative subconscious conditioning, the negative thoughts make their presence known again and again.  It would seem that our bodies are more attuned to the negative than they are to the positive.  So, we need to do the affirmations to wear away at the negative conditioning. That takes some time, patience and practice, but so worth the effort!

Student Interaction

When I was feeling all this pushback from negative thoughts it was bad. Suicide thoughts and all kinds of scary stuff seemingly out of nowhere.

Psychic pain had been crippling me since September. When I did the affirmations I felt some temporary relief. I felt the resonance behind those words when I wake up in the middle of the night and say them. I say them again in the morning when I wake with terrible anxiety. They help and I need to do more.

I am still clearing many issues. I continue to do the work.

This journey is tremendous for me. It’s the scariest thing I’ve ever known and I am working even more intentionally with the affirmations and am so grateful for the encouragement of this Study Group.

Nell's Comments

I’ve been doing these 5 affirmations for about 6 weeks and have been feeling good.  Then yesterday for absolutely no reason at all, I found myself thinking really negative thoughts.  I didn’t know what to make of it at first, until I realized that this was part of that “push-back” that was discussed a couple of days ago.  The negative conditioning is so strong. I observed the negative part of my mind try to reassert itself and it was quite unexpected. When I finally realized what was going on, I was better able to make a different choice and get back on my path.  

Don’t be afraid of negative states. They’re guiding you to where your neutrality is and ultimately where the experience offers you a chance to make different choices for yourself thereby increasing the awareness of consciousness. 

For people with a serious history of negative thinking and depression, perhaps the negative push-back might be more challenging. When someone has a severe history of negativity, the wounding may be very deep and will require that you get professional help.  But, what helped me most yesterday was to realize that the negativity was a type of push-back coming from my own history and conditioning.  I simply needed to make a better choice for myself in the now. Well, what happened after that was even more interesting…

In an effort to get back on my path of neutral-positive-equalized thinking, I did those 5 affirmations with even greater fervor.  I said them over and over again determined to lose my negative programming and to heal that part of my subconsciousness.  Imagine my surprise when I began to be flooded with spiritual feelings and even loving feelings that seemed to appear out of nowhere.  I thought, “What is going on here?  What could all this be about?”

I realized that when you create the right frequency or state in your body, your spirit or your consciousness is more accessible to you and that feels sublime.  Spiritual consciousness is not an intellectual concept nor a belief system, but an actual presence that feels amazing.  I began to realize what we’re doing is learning how to bring our spirit consciousness into the forefront of our lives and that changes us more than anything. That is what heals. The consciousness is the biggest aspect of who we truly are. The reason for being alive is to awaken to our spiritual presence while learning to live from this premise.  This is what changes our personal lives and our world more than anything. What a revelation!

From this more empowered place, you can create the kind of life you want.  All those benefits that Billy writes about suddenly seem to have more meaning.

I also reflected on what an effortless place to live from.  This is the biggest truth of who we are.  Your spirit brings light and consciousness into your personal life and world.

 I hope you do these affirmations and come to feel and experience the benefits. Also relinquishing negative destructive thoughts and speech helps as well.  Think positive thoughts.  Think neutral-positive-equalised thoughts.

Student Interaction

I have been saying the affirmations for a couple of weeks now. Just the five basic ones (in English - as I did not have the German translation yet). I had memorized the basic five so it was easy to do it here and there. I felt nothing and I was kind of bored with doing it. I kept wondering if I need to "feel" it or do something else differently.

Then I read that someone repeats it 100 times and it takes him ten minutes, and sometimes he does it twice a day. So I started doing ten minutes of it (mostly once a day). I still kind of felt nothing, except I immediately feel a warmth and a tingling feeling in my hands and the lower portion of my arm.

Student Interaction

I think the affirmations are working.  I just awoke from a wonderful nap.  I slept 8 hours last night.  I am feeling better overall. 

I keep my copy of affirmations on my copyholder and it is a constant reminder.  I repeat the affirmations many times during the day.

Student Interaction

Yesterday I had a different sensation. I was in the middle of my affirmations when I felt all of my true authentic self descend upon me. The whole of me. It’s like it laid on my chest like it was finally safe to come home. My feet look farther away than usual and I felt distant. Even my voice changed. I noticed there were still a little tiny parts of myself along the universe and I invited them home. I don’t know if they will stay but it’s a feeling of comfortableness, peace.

Student Interaction

For me, with beginning to read the book, I felt super excited, happy, and couldn’t stop reading.  Then, the reading (around pages 20-30ish) seemed to slow way down and I felt sluggish in the reading.  There were two or three points that really stuck with me, and the rest started to melt together.  I have a feeling that somehow there was a download or info from a different vibration that was coming thru.  I cannot understand or identify what it was, yet there felt like an intentional reason for me to slow way down…  Then, I re-read those pages, and it happened again….  Almost like Charlie Brown’s teacher:  whaa whaa whaaaa.  I asked and was told to not worry about it, don’t try to understand, just accept/allow.  I’ve put the book down for a few days to “allow” and now I have a virus. 
Now, as is typical for me, I am being asked to practice what I have been informed of….  In the past two days, I have awakened in a panic.  I tend to be concerned, most of the time, about finances and being able to pay our bills, but these past two days have been the heart racing, can’t sleep kind.  I then remembered about the affirmations.  I will do over and over again.

Nell's Response

I think it’s good to slow down with this book or to read in increments.  This is not designed for speed-reading, for sure.  It’s so condensed, not to mention challenging core fundamental beliefs. That takes a while to process. I would suggest that when you find 2 or 3 points that resonate with you, make a note of that and follow that thread.  This book is working on many levels and it’ll probably take us years to appreciate the depth and breadth of its meaning. 

The 5 affirmations are a good place to come home to, I’m finding.  But what you describe is a lot of fear and panic energies that are quite common these days.  Our old world and lives as we knew them are crumbling, and that alone can create an instability and feelings of being in survival.  But, do not forget that at the same time, our lives and our world are getting rebuilt and redefined into new levels of consciousness and light. That’s where our focus needs to be.  We are now tending that garden and making sure it has a nice strong root system that serves us so much better than anything we've ever done before. 

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