Chapter XIV Dreams Visions Fantasies

Might of the Thoughts Study Guide

Chapter XIV
Dreams, Visions and Fantasies


Here is a new approach to heal yourself that you will also find most enjoyable.  

Chapter 14 deals with the healing power of daydreams, visions, and fantasies.  Continue to do your daily affirmations; but, to heal your subconscious, be sure to have at least one daydream a day! 

In 2009, I visited Billy Meier.  Read what transpired during my personal visit with Billy.

Quotes by Billy Meier - Might of the Thoughts

Were there no human beings who occupied themselves with dreaming, visions, and fantasies, then progress would stop, whereby there could also be no learning for those who do not themselves make an effort for everything but only draw the benefit from the successes, the lived practical experiences and the knowledge and achievements of those who creatively and constructively engage in visions,  dreaming and fantasies.  Thus it is effectively the dreamers, visionaries and fantasisers, as well as those most enthusiastic about the evolution, who are the saviours of the world. They invisibly carry the humanity evolutively forward and bring forth knowledge, wisdom, humaneness and the state of being human in the true sense, but also the formation of personality, morality and character as well as uncountable intellectual and material achievements. 

But what is important above all is that the visions, the dreaming, cognitions and fantasies are tended and nurtured, because in them lies the origin of creativity and constructiveness.  For that reason, the human being should never disregard his/her positive ruminations, visions, fantasies and dreaming, rather he/she should make an effort with these and nurture them.

 …Every human being should remain true to his/her good and positive ruminations, visions, dreaming and fantasizing, if he/she can call such his/her own, because ultimately not only is his/her own world erected from them, so it the world of the entire humanity. 

Castles in the Air 
by Nell Arnaud

We all remember being young children and how easy it was to daydream and to feel good about those moments.  Some of us may have gotten reprimanded for daydreaming rather than attending to the lessons at school. Even though it’s important to be fully attentive to your studies, there’s something to be said about the importance and value of daydreaming and how this actually contributes to self-healing.

In 2009, I visited Schmidruti, Switzerland, the home of Billy Meier.   I had an opportunity to talk with Billy Meier about a personal difficulty in my life at that time. Billy responded with these simple words, “Castles in the Air.” I said, “I don’t understand.” He told me that I needed to spend time daydreaming and that this would heal the subconsciousness and help manage the difficulties in my life. Billy also went on to say that the times in his life that were the most difficult is when he wrote children’s books.

At the time, I couldn’t imagine how such a simple suggestion would be helpful. Then, I found the text in his book, Die Psyche that elaborated on Billy’s advice. Below is an unofficial translation taken from this book.

Try setting time aside each day for conscious daydreaming and see what benefits come YOUR way.

From Die Psyche by Billy Meier
Die Drie Goldenen Regeln (The Three Golden Rules)

  1. From Childhood on, everyone has a daydream.
  2. One should always wear a smile.
  3. At all times the head should be held high, straight and erect.
From Childhood on, everyone has a daydream; a daydream creation existing in his fantasy of something he likes to dream or has had dreams of, which he would like to become real at some time. A daydream can be of anything one finds good, beautiful, sweet and nice. It can be a daydream, which can become a reality or simply represents a creation of fantasy for all times. A daydream is much better if it can become a reality. If you forget your daydream, then you can make up a new one, a new daydream in which one can get lost in fantasy.
In order to learn neutral-positive thinking, it is simply necessary to turn to the daydream, old or new, and get lost in it with great fantasy, mainly, each time negative thoughts start to influence the thinking. When thoughts of worry or sadness begin to weigh down the normal positive thinking, to influence it and to torment it, remember to dream. It is also advisable to lose oneself in a daydream as much of the time as possible because then one is not overburdened with thoughts of sorrow and sadness.

It is permissible to let ones thoughts ride along the most fanciful ways in one’s daydreams, build gigantic castles in the air and become lost in all that gives pleasure to the senses; fortune, love, beauty, understanding and everything which gives a life to the heart and emotions. Fantasy has no limit for this, and no attempt should be made to curb it. However, be watchful and reach for the daydream immediately when even the smallest negative thought tries to break out of the subconscious.

All beginning is very difficult and so is the learning of neutral positive thinking. In the beginning it will take extreme effort to concentrate on the daydream because the negative world of thoughts constantly shoots its moral tainting arrows. The subconsciousness continually tries to push the prevailing negative thought matter into the foreground, which makes it very difficult to achieve concentration on a daydream. Nevertheless, over and over again, every thought must be directed to the daydream, until the negative forward movement of the subconsciousness slowly relaxes and in the end disappears entirely and leaves the upper-hand and leaves the domination to the positive thinking. Under certain circumstances this procedure can take only a few minutes, or, depending on the severity of the case, even several months. Therefore, it follows that the patient must keep practicing because, in the first place, no man is born a master of his craft, and in the second, the Spiritual strength varies from person to person.

One should always wear a sure smile, just as the Chinese have taught, even if the atmosphere is sad and depressing. There is no question that right at the beginning the whole temperament could be all smiles because, since the frame of mind is opposed to it, it is impossible. At the start the smiling is only on the outside and in the course of time, develops into a habit, while sooner or later, it promotes the positive way of thinking. The external settles on the internal also, therefore a sad and depressing feeling unavoidably produces sad and depressing thoughts while a smiling and happy face promotes smiling and happy thoughts.

At all times the head should be held high, straight and erect. While speaking to another the eyes should look fully into the eyes of the other. The entire surroundings, articles, animals, people, plants, all of nature, and everything else ought be accurately observed and inspected. Everything must be realized very precisely, every detail. Letting one’s head hang low and casting one’s eyes down must be avoided. Only a determined realization of the world around is of advantage because in this way impressions are collected and positive thought processes are amassed and stimulated.

It cannot fail that when these golden rules are followed intensively and constantly, in a very short time first results and realizations are achieved and by then the first big step is taken toward self-healing. However, the first result should not lead to the interruption of this hard work because it must be continued for as long as it takes until the thinking has accepted the final form of the balanced positive power as absolute. This being so, the worst catastrophe will never be able to damage or even oppress a human being so built up and invigorated Spiritually.

During the first 3 days that a patient starts to think of a daydream he will experience hell. This is because the subconsciousness constantly nags and foams with rage and does not want the daydream to surface. But it will be better after 3 days, if one again and again reaches for the daydream with intensity. Between the third and seventh day, it is guaranteed that the first results will show up somewhere and somehow, if one carries out this teaching with intensity and endurance. With each person the results will be different because everyone thinks and feels individually. This is why it cannot be stated at the outset how and where the first results will be.

The book, The Psyche, by Billy Meier is available at the following link:

"Dare to Dream!

This is a continuation of Chapter 14 from Might of the Thoughts.

Billy doesn't name the chapters in MOTT, but for our purposes, I've named this chapter "Dreams, Visions and Fantasies."

Billy writes about the importance of  daydreaming as a method of healing the psyche.  Who knew self-healing and the actualization of your life's goals could be facilitated by your fanciful daydreams? Your daydreams will enable the healing of your subconsciousness and expedite the realization of  your life's ZielI encourage you to daydream--and--often.

This is yet another moment that the Might of the Thoughts... book reminds me of the immense power of our minds. 

We are so much more powerful than we ever realized... 
Excerpts from - Might of the Thoughts

Pensive, visionary or full of fantasy, and perhaps equipped with a useful enthusiasm, they imagine a more elevated life of freedom, harmony and beauty, with greater possibilities for development and all those things worth striving for.  The ideals, wishes and imaginings which are created by means of the thoughts, awaken  a certain restlessness in them by which they are driven on to action and to the realization of their thoughts; consequently, they even use their free time and all their consciousness based and material means—regardless of how small they may be—in order to develop and bring their wishes and imaginings to fruition.
In this form, human beings realise their wishes and imaginings, which—often disregarded—are fostered as ruminations, visions and fantasies.  Thus sooner or later, human beings—alone, and by means of their own power, or by means of the power and ideals of others—become one with their own ideals, imaginings and wishes. 
This fact alone should be enough to cause the human being to live purely according to the truth and in line with the creational-natural-laws and recommendations, in order to only create thoughts in a positive-equalised sense and to bring these to fruition, so that the striving—predetermined by creational law—for the creationally correct evolutionary norm, is fulfilled. 
All of the resentful ones do not know the great commitment which the successful ones had to bring, and have to bring, and they do not know about the efforts and the undauntedness which are required in order to just conceive a Ziel at all and in order to then actually also reach it.  They do not know about all the effort behind all the imaginings and wishes, which every Ziel-striving human being must take upon himself/herself in order to overcome the apparently invincible, and which is necessary so that the vision, the rumination or the fantasy can be brought to fruition.

Student Interaction

I love what Billy is saying—he is so right on with the formula of (1) Self-evaluation (2) Replacing the discovered old patterns of thinking, and therefore feeling, with positive thoughts and (3) Going to Neutral Positive Equalized thinking as absolutely frequently as possible. He is 100% right on in his certainty that the more we dwell in positive frequencies, the more we will set that as our default, and we will live increasingly positive lives. This is so true and so real and so vitally important!

There is only one issue that keeps popping up for me. I feel the material does not righteously address emotions. He says to seek psychoanalytic assistance, possibly psychotropic meds, and diagnoses, then goes on to talk more about thoughts without ever addressing what it is about our thoughts that create the very emotions that debilitate us. I find his material very heady without taking us into the body and heart with the same sort of expertise and enthusiasm. I find my eyes and mind glazing over as he repeats the same things over and over. GOOD things—GREAT things—not full-bodied enough to address how to really work with the negative thought-emotion patterns as they come up. He jumps to the crucialness of Neutral-Positive-Equalized thinking right off the bat—stresses it and stresses it—but then, later, says that it takes a LONG time to get to the point where this will work because of all the negative patterns into which we are locked. In my experience (both personal and professional) without addressing HOW TO deal with the dark emotional patterns, the affirmations are not going to create a sustainable change. Lord knows I said prayer after prayer after prayer to clear my darknesses and none of it proved sustainable until I was able to really (consciously) sit with ALL of it as it bubbled up and poured out of me.

He is SO right when he says that “good, healthy, positive thoughts harden into circumstances and convictions” that are good, healthy and positive.

This is exactly the work I facilitate—how to get conscious of your destructive thought patterns that are creating harmful chemicals in your body—how to clear them—and how to set your dials to the frequency Dr. David Hawkins (in the book, Power Vs. Force) calls ‘Courage’ and what Billy calls Neutral-Positive-Equalized thinking so that you are living at a default frequency of vibrant positivity and good. Honestly, Billy isn’t the only one who doesn’t ‘get his hands dirty’ with the full-bodied emotional piece—hardly anyone seems to do this which is why I think a lot of the human experience is still is such primitive emotional stages.

I LOVED the sharing from others of how many emotions they’ve moved through and emptied before they were able to allow the frequencies of the affirmations in! That is precisely the part I feel is missing in this material!

Bottom line? MOTT is GREAT stuff! I’m so glad to be an ongoing part of this group and benefitting from the material, your interpretation of the material, and other’s impressions and experiences. I’m just an emotion girl I feel it is AS important as thought so naturally that will be something of which I am acutely aware in any healing process.

Nell's Response

I’ve never remotely felt compelled to see a psychiatrist or to take psychotropic meds.  Even though these professionals hold a very respectable place providing care that most people turn to, it’s not my thing.  I don’t even like to see a medical doctor. 

There are too many of us unconventional types who choose a different path to heal ourselves.  This is why I do the work I do, and why you do the work you do.  We like to help people with our respective gifts. I prefer my work as I feel it's quicker and more efficient than a lot of the conventional talking therapy methods.  I’ve had clients say to me, “I’ve seen a therapist for 11 years and we just did more in one session than 11 years of psychotherapy.”  I’m certain you’ve been told similar things.  There are many gifted healers who help people immensely by their gifts yet they/we possess no psychological training.  However, we’ve been trained in other ways.

But there are also charlatans that give our profession a bad reputation or people trying to make a lot of money off of “helping people.”  Billy is quick to point this out in some of his other works.  Yet we all know that that could happen in any occupation.  You always need to have discernment with anybody you work with. 

Billy writes very clearly, something you made reference to in your email. You’re not going to heal parts of the psyche or the emotional body with affirmations alone. Affirmations help several things but not everything. Yet, one thing I will say about Billy.  I think he does address the emotional piece, Kate, although not at these early stages.  In some of the later chapters, he seems to be saying get the psyche stabilized first and in a more balanced place, THEN, you deal more with the emotional component.  My feeling is that emotions are non-linear and can be  unwieldy especially if someone has sustained a lot of wounding.  But if a foundational base is at least partly built in the psyche and the subconscious is more balanced and repaired than the efficiency of sorting out emotions and feelings would be facilitated.  This is what I think is being said.

Student Interaction

What is possible for us, as humans, now, has never been possible before and those of us that are actually endeavoring to rise to the new frequencies are not only finding that it IS (finally) possible—we are here on the mission to help others clear away the veils.

I do think we are in the transition stage though, and not quite at LIVING in Neutral-Positive-Equalised thinking yet—but the reason we are studying this material is that we are trying to figure out HOW TO do it, which means that, first, we have to practice ‘going to’ NPE thinking as often as possible. And once we reach our own internal tipping point, we will be there. I have been doing this (practicing going there all throughout my days and nights) for a little more than a week now and am seeing some vivid results.

I feel like we are in the ‘bottleneck’ of the process right now, and that a major feature of this transition is the purging of the old emotional density. Other healers seem to leave this part out, too. I think the reason I am as adamantly focused on it as I am is that the emotional piece is my wheelhouse—my expertise, focus, and contribution at this amazingly auspicious time.

Thoughts DO lead to emotions—absolutely. What I feel there is a lack of in Billy’s explanations, though, is how to use the experience of the negative emotions to find our self-realization. He seems to cast this part off to seeking professional help when I believe there are integral ways of addressing it for us in the context of this material.

We are like computers—we have programs that are both personal and collective that we are working, now, to clean out and upgrade. Every morsel of inspiration, information, understanding, and help we can glean is among our most important nourishment right now!

Nell's Response

One issue I wanted to address, I think Billy mentions getting professional psychological help and using psychotropic meds as this is the most regulated system for healing the psyche that is acceptable on our world.  There are many healers who are trained to do healing work as so many of us do in this group.  But that work, though it is becoming increasingly popular, is largely unregulated and not widely accepted as the norm in our world.

Student Interaction

I feel that without addressing the emotions and body, this process becomes just another cerebral activity. We are embodied beings. We must feel then process our emotions through the material aka our bodies.  Using discernment (MOTT).  Remaining in our ‘minds’ is our current collective challenge or illness. We have more and more individuals not able to feel or have empathy young and old alike. 

Working ‘through’ the song of the heart along-side a clear and neutral positive mind, is the ticket.  Rejecting the emotional body and or referring to emotions as bad is rejecting our humanness.  Embracing our humanness with more tools and renewed fresh perspective is what we are doing here. 

This is like alchemy, a transmutation process that leads us into a neutral positive frequency and light essence. It’s inner alchemy.  A person who cannot feel nor has No empathy who cannot express or communicate how one feels, can say affirmations all day long and get nowhere. It must be felt through the body. I call this the “feeling mind” in my professional work.

I have seen this with chronic illness over and over again.  My graduate work was propelled by this very issue.  Why are people not getting well? Yes! It’s so much how we think and express ourselves. It’s also how we respond and react to our emotions and our environment. (MOTT) Embracing all of it is key.  Rejecting it will bring on triggered illness in some capacity. 

I have found our journey through this work profound. It’s magical and I use it to help center others very quickly.  It works.  Perhaps on the other side of the coin is because we are in a mentally ill collective state, we must address the mind first in order for us to have a clearer emotional response to ourselves, family and community. Hmmmm 

It’s a perpetual cycle we are collectively in that we are breaking through together working with this material. 

To fully be neutral positive in body -mind- spirit. A great Chinese Medicine master was asked, “How do you lead and guide so many people and what is your secret to your abundance?”  He replied, “I form it, cook it and I digest it. If my stomach likes it, I do it. If it does not, I don’t do it.”

Nell's Response

I hear what you and others are saying about the emotions and feelings, and I certainly understand these aspects to be part of our humanity. Yet, I cannot help but feel that there is a misunderstanding about that with respect to MOTT.  I don’t think Billy is rejecting the emotional states or our humanity, rather, I think he’s presenting us with an opportunity to work through those types of issues in an entirely new way—through the might of the thoughts.

Consider that perhaps we don’t have to process our emotions as we have in the past. Perhaps it can be done in a different way utilizing the power of the mind to change the emotional states.  In this way, emotional issues, problems and distortions simply vanish and open an opportunity for us to actually feel good about ourselves as a true human does and as the elegant emotional body is designed to do.  I’m not entirely sure about this, yet, I think this might be where this work is going.  If this is so, this study is truly ground-breaking and presents us with a completely different way to view our personal respective life situations and life on earth—and certainly our view of processing and holding emotional and feeling issues.  

In Chapter 14, which I’ve named, “Dreams, Visions and Fantasies,” it becomes clear that daydreams are not just fanciful and whimsical states for writing children’s books and for distractions—these are for healing the psyche. And with that perhaps emotional states and feeling states are healed from that place as well.  It’s an entirely new approach, but let’s just consider this for now.  I suggest you set aside preconceived notions about the feeling aspect of our humanity and consider that perhaps there’s a more comprehensive way to address emotional issues that is more efficient, far-reaching and sustaining.  Let’s simply try this on for now…  

Student Interaction

Now that I seem to be on the other side of a series of Dark Nights (of The Soul) that were relentless beyond previous measure, my receptivity seems to have expanded to a place of far greater brightness and ease. In the work I practice, what Billy is calling ‘daydreaming’ is what I call ‘emotional imagining,’ and what many others in the field call ‘somatic visualization.’ I find that it is not only incredibly powerful, it is, indeed, probably the hardest thing a human can do (as per Wallace Wattles in his book, Financial Success).

For example, I have been doing an extensive morning practice every morning for the past 17 days during which I follow a specific 10-step protocol. The 7th step is Somatic Visualization, or what Billy calls Daydreaming. This past Wednesday, I took a detour from doing my usual business growth visualizations and decided to imagine a grounded, evolved, attractive (to me) man coming and sitting at my table at the coffee shop I was going to study that morning. I imagined us engaged in delightful conversation but when I got to the part where he asked me to dinner, I found myself thinking, “Mm, no—I’m not quite ready for that,” concluded the reverie, and went on to step 8 (which is Gratitude in advance for what you are imagining coming to certain fruition).

Fast forward to me at the coffee shop. There were no free tables when I arrived, so I was sitting at the counter of the coffee bar. Sure enough, just as I was about to put my coat on to leave, a lovely man sat down in the just vacated seat beside me. We had a delightful conversation after which I wished him a lovely day and departed, secretly marveling at the power of our own creation!  #thisstuffworks

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