Chapter III Thoughts are like a Garden

Might of the Thoughts Study Guide

Chapter III
Thoughts are like a Garden

It is the same for the consciousness, which can be compared to a garden. If good, healthy, and neutral-positive-equalised thoughts are nurtured, then they bring a good harvest in the form of progress, success, love, peace and harmony. If however, bad, negative thoughts are allowed, then they proliferate luxuriously like wildly growing weeds which displace everything which is not of their kind, and consequently take the upper hand to such a degree that nothing positive is able to gain ground any more. 
                                                 Billy Meier

Might of the Thoughtsis a very useful self-help book that supports you to be your best. Billy suggests that you tend to your thoughts as a gardener tends to his/her garden. In these first three chapters of the book, useful ways to heal yourself, your subconscious, your psyche, your thoughts are often reinforced. These are the following:
  • Eradicate all negative thinking from your thoughts.
  • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones such as:  saying affirmations often that support you in building a healthy attitude and self-image.
  • Neutral-positive-equalised thinking is of utmost importance.
Canceling negative thinking is like “weeding the garden of your consciousness.” It feels good to experience the clarity when you remove the debris of useless, unhelpful, destructive negative thoughts. The first thing you notice is a sense of lightness, clarity and feelings of well-being. Life works better overall.

It’s good to do the postitive affirmations to change the predominant negativity of our lives and the influence of morning and nightly news. With the positive affirmations, you begin to build neuropathways to support new information which builds a healthy self-image and feels good. When you set the tone for a good life with neutral-positive-equalised thinking, you begin to take charge of your life.  You are constantly reminded of the importance to change your thinking.  

I think the Meier Information has to go down into the subconscious to be really used. Repeating the information is the key to getting it into the subconscious mind. If we don’t continue to repeat this information to ourselves, then our subconscious mind will never be trained with the new information.    
                                                                                                              Mark Snider


or keeping your consciousness thinking in a healthy way…

 I am confident.
 I am optimistic.
 I am relaxed.
 I am cheerful.
 I am enthusiastic.
I am the master of my own thoughts.
I create my own good luck.
I am the creator of my own psyche.
I am the smith of my entire life circumstances, environment and entire destiny.
I am the forger of my own good fortune.
I am successful.
I strengthen my thoughts.
I nurture my thoughts.
I clarify my thoughts
I organize my thoughts.

Take Responsibility for your Life
On the twenty-first day after conception, the spirit enters the body of the newly created human being and begins to enliven it, which results in the heart beginning to beat and all bodily functions taking up their work—including the brain.  From this moment, not only the basic personality of the human being begins to evolve, rather also the basic character and the basic form of the psyche. Thereby, from the twenty-first day after conception, the entire human body, with all its functions, forms into a *Wesen which also becomes conscious of itself, and indeed because the consciousness also takes up its activity and, therefore, begins to think.
Billy Meier
Might of the Thoughts
Take Responsibility for your Life!
In Might of the Thoughts, Billy defines the meaning of personal character, psyche, personality, volition.  The development in each of these aspects of self is connected to the thoughts that begin at a very early stage of life, as early as 3 weeks after conception. Becoming educated about the formation of these four aspects of the self, helps you to understand more about life. It increases your knowledge, wisdom, empowerment—the building blocks of self-realization and evolution. But every aspect of self is formed by your thoughts—so your thoughts are more important than you ever realized.     

Your thoughts are powerful so be careful how you wield that power.  You can create a good life for yourself or you can create a hell.  Too often, you feel at the effect of external conditions or the decisions and choices of other people that affect you.  But you have more power in your thoughts than you realize. You can remedy your life situation if you decide to practice the recommendations that heal your subconscious. You also need to be persistent and patient with the process.

When you perceive the harmful negative conditions on Earth, you may ask, “How did this happen? What’s causing all this?” There is a long list of historic and present day extreme negative conditions that have created and continue to create problems and suffering. When masses of people focus on extremely negative thoughts and speech in a habitual and even addictive way, it creates an endless circle of powerful manic destructive thoughts that get stuck with serious complications and imbalances.  It takes a powerful positive force to begin to balance this severely out of control global devastating situation.

Change begins as always, with you. Become aware of and commit to stopping the destructive negativity in your thoughts. Notice the content of your conversations, are they mostly negative or positive?  Make every effort to learn how to balance your thinking to be of a neutral-positive-equalised nature.  And know that realistically, change will come after some time. 

Whether your thoughts are mostly consciously negative or unconsciously negative, they create the same harmful circumstances of your life’s conditions.  At this point, commit to at least two or the three processes for now.  The first is actually doing the affirmations.  Repeat the affirmations often throughout the day to ensure that the healing effects go deeply into your subconscious. This will begin to clear the debris and the damage of years of faulty thinking.

Second, notice your levels of negativity in your thoughts. Decide to consciously stop the predominance of negative thoughts and speech, try to get your thoughts into neutral or introduce more positive thoughts into your mind and speech to bring more balance. Observe your conversations, what is the percentage of positive and negative remarks in your every conversation? Self-evaluation is important here. The affirmations and curtailing of negative thoughts will help you to rebuild your subconscious to begin to function as it should.  At least, begin there.  If you can introduce neutral-positive-equalised thinking, then that’s even better!

Affirmations for Personal Responsibility
  • I am the smith of my entire life circumstances and environment.
  • I am master of my entire destiny.
  • I am the creator of my own psyche.
  • I am the master of my own thoughts.
  • I steer my thoughts like a captain steers his ship.
The Prayer

Wishes and prayers are never petitions to a god or saint, rather they are thoughts generated by oneself which are fed back - out of the consciousness and inner self - to one's own consciousness and inner self, to thereby create fulfillment.
                    Billy Meier

In several of Billy's books, he gives information about a prayer, which is to awaken spirit or consciousness in a person.  this particular prayer was created by the prophet, Henoch, who lived on Earth over 11,000 years ago.  Over time, the prayer was altered and came to be known worldwide as "The Lord's Prayer."  But, you'll notice the difference in Henoch's version from the way most of us learned The Lord's Prayer.

The first line of The Lord’s Prayer states, Our Father, who art in heaven. Notice that this is a male figure who exists outside yourself. In contrast, the first line of Henoch’s prayer reads My Spirit, you exist in almightiness.  This wording conveys that Spirit is a great force residing within you and all around you in everything you see as the greatest might. (According to Billy, the word might is used to describe aspects of consciousness and spiritual related realms, thus everything the consciousness is able to realize. Whereas the word, power, is used for the material realm like muscles, engines, politics, tyrants, etc.)  

Exactly where, within us, is this Spiritual/Creation energy?  Billy says the Spirit is no larger than a needle-point located in the human brain in the Superior Colliculus in the center of the head behind the eyes.  It spreads its enormous spiritual energy throughout in filligrain fashion over the human body inside and out.  It encompasses every cell in the body and brings it life, steering the genes and influencing factors such as health and lifespan. The spirit is also referred to as Spirit-form, indestructible, eternally living, the power of love.

Henoch’s prayer was created to teach you to recognize the power of Spirit within you.  This is precisely the same force of the Creation, which is everywhere in all things.  This prayer was designed to be spoken slowly and to contemplate the meaning of each line for use in meditation.

It is recommended that you make every conscious effort to understand the greatest power that resides within you, to expand your awareness of spirit in an acknowledgement of this force, which is the greatest love. You can say this prayer anytime you wish, whenever you want or need or desire; learn this prayer so it becomes a part of you wherever you go.  You can think it, whisper it or say it as you please, and know that a prayer is just a request to your own Spirit and/or Creation.

The prayer will bring you harmony, understanding, knowledge and wisdom, it will change your whole psychological world, your awareness and your being.  As you actively use the omnipotent power of your Spirit-form to steer your life where you want to be, then that is in unity with Creation, the force of nature existing in all things.

English Translation

My spirit you exist within almightiness.
May your name be holy.
May your world incarnate itself within me.
May your power unfold itself within me, on Earth and in the skies.
Give me today my daily bread, that I may recognize my wrongdoings and the truth.
And lead me not into temptation and confusion but deliver me from error.

For yours is the world within me and the power and the knowledge forever.

The Original Prayer in German, created by Henoch

Mein Geist, der du bist in Allmacht.
Dein Name sei geheiligt.
Dein Reich inkarniere sich in mir.
Deine Kraft entfalte sich in mir auf Erden und in den Himmeln.
Mein tägliches Brot gib mir heute, so ich erkenne meine Schuld und ich erkenne die Wahrheit.
Und führe mich nicht in Versuchung, und Verwirrung, sondern erlöse mich vom Irrtum.
Denn dein ist das Reich in mir und die Kraft und das Wissen in Ewigkeit.

NOTE:  The German version has a particular effect on your subconsciousness, therefore it is more beneficial to use the German version rather than the English one.

If you’d like to learn the Mein Geist prayer in German, Click the button below to listen to the recording by my Swiss friend, Philia Stauber.  In this recording, I asked Philia to recite the prayer slowly so that you could learn it. 

Student Interaction

I love this prayer so much! I will use it every day!

My roommate stiffed me on some cleaning and repair bills and I was obsessively thinking about the right way to show my displeasure to him and thereby control him and get him to pay his final bills. ;)
But I was supposed to be rehearsing to do well on my show tonight ...
Yet I found my mind still going back to obsessing over the jerky thing he did.

Then I opened the prayer and it was so beautiful and just what I wanted to be using my thoughts for!  I was able to let it go and use self-control a lot better. I still had a rough cold open at my show but I’d I did not blank out or anything horrible. It really is a prayer to live by.  Thank you!

Nell's Comments

I agree, as I also love this prayer and I use it every day and often throughout the day.  It helps me tremendously.  

Nell's Comments

Taking Responsibility for your life is so important.  How often have you started to
do affirmations or a daily healing process with gusto, then you forget or your life gets busy?

There’s always a reason not to do them. Responsibility means making a clear commitment to
the process. It means realizing and acknowledging that up to this point in your life, your
thoughts have contributed to suffering and complications in your life.  Now you’re ready to
change your thoughts to feel better and reclaim what belongs to you.  Consider making that
commitment if you haven’t already.

Student Interaction

I wanted to share some of my experiences with the affirmations. I normally go on daily 3-mile walks in my neighborhood and I use that time to say the affirmations. I always feel their resonance and how long they last varies as I am going through some deep transformational work right now. I do slack off (I admit it) on the days I don’t walk, and part of it is that I’m working with other modalities in my healing process. So, for example, I am working with a Body Code practitioner who is helping me release trapped negative emotions from my body. She says until these are released saying positive affirmations has a kind of slingshot effect. Has anyone had that experience? And based on a recommendation from a friend, I started to read a book called, The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief. And that feels in contrast to the Might of the Thoughts work. I’m learning how to navigate changing my negative thoughts with allowing the grief. So it’s a dance and I get confused often. That’s the honest truth. I will continue with the MOTT though and if anyone else has had experiences such as these, it would be helpful to hear.

Nell's Response

It’s good that you resonate with the affirmations.  This is feedback from your body that it’s working. 

With respect to healing modalities, I would say whatever healing gives you a measure of peace and relief, this is what you want to pursue.  When your healing process seems to contrast with this MOTT process, you need to use your discretion. 

As I recall from the reading, it’s the thoughts that are fundamental to the emotions.  You have negative thoughts and that affects your emotions.  From this, you can deduce, that if you heal the thoughts, it heals your emotions over time.

Here's an excerpt from Might of the Thoughts...

As a rule, suffering is always an effect of some form of wrong thinking if the suffering is related to negative, bad or evil outcomes. In this form, incidents of suffering are indicators that the law of harmony is disregarded and broken and that one is therefore not living according to the law of BEING, which is directed at progress, love, peace, knowledge wisdom, joy and true inner freedom. The law determines that the thoughts must be progressive and neutral-positive-equalised, in order to be integrated, in this form, in a neutral-positive-equalised way, into the law of causality - indeed the law of cause and effect...

Student Interaction

I just simply love it all. In my everyday conversations, I realize how much people need what you are exposing me to. I do spend some time on the affirmations and reading your wonderful blogs. I thank you for it.  I am going to share it with others.

Student Interaction

I have just been through quite a physical ordeal having had shingles for the past month. However, today, on self-responsibility, I want to share with you that I feel pretty certain that what I experienced as a blatant assault on my body, psyche, and time, was an ‘inside job.’ In other words, that somehow, consciously or un, I invited a boatload of old anxiety, grief, and limitation to come out of hiding (in my cellular memory), state its case, and then get the heck out of my system once and for all.

Because I am so aware of the devastating thoughts and feelings that have pretty much ruled my body, emotions, and life for the past 64 years, on this side of my ordeal, I KNOW that I have a tremendous opportunity to hit the reset button on my life.

I awoke on Monday with my old familiar anxiety and devastation and was thrilled to, almost immediately, remember the five affirmations (that I have slightly modified for my own resonance.) I recited them over and over and over and over, then did a guided meditation that directs us to do something quite similar, and, while I couldn’t necessarily feel it AS it was happening, I noticed, as I emerged from my shower, that I absolutely felt a very positive shift. And I was able to maintain my commitment to the positive for the whole day.

Tuesday wasn’t quite as easy, but I stayed committed and ended up having quite a lovely (and successful) day. Then today brought with it a bunch of curve balls gleefully flying (directly at me) in my field. I listened to myself grouse and grouse and grouse absolutely unable to stop. At least I was aware of it, right?! It was obviously what the system I teach calls a necessary ‘emptying.’ The system teaches that “emptying is a necessary step in the creation of any miracle.” Of course, as soon as I was able, I realigned myself with ‘the Light’ and went right back to deliberately thinking and feeling positive things. And, sure enough, I've had several miraculous things pop into my life in the past three hours causing me to feel an interesting and new sense of positivity and peace.

I love that Billy’s work is in such close alignment with the other things to which I am so committed right now, sort of like a trinity all teaching the same thing—out with the bad air, in with the good! (I think I got this from watching Huckleberry Hound when I was a kid) .. plant it (the good), water it, give it sunlight, et voila.

I still have a long way to go, but this is my experience this week. Honestly, self-responsibility it the only way to go as it puts YOU at the helm of your experience. Seven or eight years ago, you taught me a really important word—sovereignty. I have carried it with me as my goal ever since.

Nell's Response

When you speak of doing the affirmations and then you felt a power shift, that's a confirmation! 

When you had a number of challenges or curve balls, as you describe, and you listened to yourself grouse--unable to stop—this reminds me of what one of you called a “push-back” of negative states. 

The conditioned habitual negativity in the subconscious wants to reassert itself.  You chose to do the affirmations, deciding instead to make healthier choices for yourself.  Well done!

Student Interaction

You talked about getting a good life by using the neutral- positive-equalised thinking. Can you please give two examples of this?

I have written the affirmations in several places in my apartment. And, I use the back and forth process, where I feel unwell, then I do my affirmations and get centered again.

I wonder after all the counseling, personal work, unemployment at this moment, money difficulty with no job, when do I get to the GOOD stuff?

How can I be positive about my path? What is there to look ahead to?

Nell's Response

In Might of the Thoughts, three things are currently being recommended to heal your thoughts:
  1. Eradicate all unnecessary negative thinking.
  2. Say the affirmations often. There are 5 basic ones and others to choose from that support you in building a healthy attitude and self-image.
  3. Neutral-positive-equalised thinking is important.  Let’s review a couple of examples of what this actually means.
Let’s say you recently got a job.  You are doing good work. You feel pleased about that. You can hold the thought that this is the best job you’ve ever had and that nothing could possibly go wrong. Or, in a more balanced approach, you would be more honest, realistic and logical about your work situation. You are doing good work at your job, yet realistically, you know that difficult and challenging situations will arise.  They usually do.

If you begin thinking negative thoughts in an intense way, you might focus on just adding positive thoughts to make it balanced. Keep your thoughts in a balanced state. You are trying to add a necessary ratio which results in a neutral-positive-thinking. Purely positive thinking can lead to Ausartung, just as much as purely negative thinking. Ausartung means to be out of control of the good human nature. 

One example of wrong thinking is that you have an idealistic view of some person.  You think this person is the most fantastic person that ever walked the earth and can do no wrong. However, the truth of the matter is that this person has some real flaws.  Instead, you choose not to see the reality of the situation. In other words, in seeing this person in an idealistic view, you are not really seeing his/her flaws.

After years of friendship, this person does something that is disappointing to you. At that point, you become filled with disappointment.  Perhaps you even harbor feelings of being betrayed. However, the suffering you are experiencing is really an effect of wrong thinking on your part.

In other words, you failed to see this person with flaws. Everyone has flaws. Therefore, your suffering is because of the wrong thinking that you had in relationship to him/her.  It’s important to note that the suffering is not the fault of the person in question; instead, it is the effect of your wrong thinking.  

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