Chapter XII Ziel Finish Line

Might of the Thoughts Study Guide

Chapter XII
Ziel Finish Line

In Chapter 12 of Might of the Thoughts, Billy discusses the importance of having clear focused intentions so that the might of your thoughts can steer your life in a good direction.  The main focus of this part of the book, deals with Ziel, which is a German word with no English equivalent.  Ziel is somewhat like “aim,” “goal,” “end” or “culmination point.” Suffice it to say that when you intend or focus on your goal and do it often through the might of your thoughts than Ziel is successful when you are fully present with the process.

Billy points out that most humans do not seem to understand  or have a central sense of themselves or what they’re doing with their lives. They don’t think about their evolution or what that even means.  Many people are like a boat without a rudder and have very little Ziel, if any.   He describes this as a place of weakness and a state that is likely to create anxieties, grief, sorrow, worries. The opposite of that would be to take charge of your life, since you’re ultimately responsible for it.

Quotes from the Might of the Thoughts – (Chapter XII)

Only a conscious or unconscious purposefulness is able to bring one’s thoughts to fruition. Therefore, the might of the thoughts is only effective when there is a definite intention—indeed a setting of a *Ziel—connected with the thoughts.
*Definition for Ziel:  It’s a German word used here since no adequate English translation suffices. Words such as aim, goal, culmination point, end—these are somewhat like Ziel but not quite right--so the German word Ziel is used.

Once the thoughts are actually created, then they also very quickly gain power and, indeed, might, if they are repeatedly thought. And it is finally the might of the thoughts which allows the thoughts’ intentions and setting of Ziel to become reality.

However, it is important that the human being sets a conscious Ziel, controls it and works towards it, and indeed, above all, in his/her thoughts, because their might realizes the Ziel which is striven for. But no matter what the Ziel is, the human being should constantly align the powers of his/her thoughts with it. That means that once the human being has set a Ziel, he/she must purposefully concentrate his/her thoughts on it, if he/she actually wants to consciously fulfill it. Each human being should make the sense of life—as such a Ziel—his/her highest obligation, along with the conscious fulfillment of the Ziel, and therefore he/she should entirely dedicate himself/herself to the conscious reaching of his/her Ziel, if these are of a good, positive, right and healthy, constructive kind.  ... And once this step is completed, there is actually no longer anything which could not be achieved by the human being by means of the might of his/her thoughts.

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