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Nell Arnaud's Blog

Aug 02, 2018

The Healing Power of Acceptance

Simple and easy self-healing techniques are some of the most powerful. Eckhart Tolle once shared a story of a woman saint, an awakened being of the Buddhist tradition. She lived about 100 years ago and many people came from all over the world to see her and ask for advice. One day, a man came to her for guidance as his life was in great turmoil. He asked, “ What can I do to find inner peace?” Her response was this, “Every morning and every evening and whenever anything happens, say these words—

‘Thanks for everything…I’ve no complaint what-so-ever.’”

Why are these words so important and how can this make your life better? Eckhart teaches that your problems are not really the major source of your problems. Your resistance to the problem is actually the problem. He recommends “ Resist nothing but go with the flow of your life regardless of how it looks. ” The mighty force of Spirit knows you better than you know yourself. It is this great force that determines and creates precisely what you need to evolve and grow. If you go with a flow of acceptance to what is, you live a life of grace, wisdom and ease. This greatly lightens your burdens and helps you discern that which is truly important.

The saying— " Thanks for everything…I’ve no complaint what-so-ever," signifies complete acceptance to what is. This disrupts your identification with over-thinking and worry. So often people complain and resist thereby creating a miserable condition where their mind actually creates even more suffering through compulsive mental chatter and negative emotions. Remember there’s always a gift in hardship, it may not present itself right away, but try to bring more acceptance into your life. The affirmation informs the mental body that, in fact, you’re thankful for the events of your life which have been specifically crafted for your personal growth, therefore there’s really nothing to resist.

The entire unfoldment of your life is designed to help you mature, grow and evolve to be a better, more conscious person if you are open and receptive to the lessons. Otherwise, to resist creates a situation where you feel you know better than great Spirit and you will suffer and generate extra work for yourself. Once you learn how to surrender to the flow of Spirit, you will dramatically change your life for the better.

Remember this, whenever you watch or read about the events and situations of the world being in turmoil, get into the habit of not resisting and not complaining what is and say the affirmation— “Thanks for everything…I’ve no complaint what-so-ever.” Or “It is as it is.” This will help you safely navigate through these times of great change. It will help you to stay calm, neutral and live a life of greater clarity. You will add stability to your personal life and to this world as it is so needed now. We need as many clear, centered, neutral people making this effort since parts of our world seem unsafe, out-of-control and utterly insane. Rather than spewing negativity into your personal life and world, dedicate your thoughts, choices and actions to become part of the solution with this simple yet powerful affirmation. In so doing, you become an alchemist who very wisely knows how to turn your suffering into peace.

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