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Nell Arnaud's Blog

Jan 06, 2020

The Healing Power of Surrender

Self-Healing begins whenever you surrender to whatever life sends your way. This is a potent transformational healing tool. Resistance is a form of negativity which creates unconsciousness. Whenever you’re resisting what life sends your way, you are creating unconsciousness for yourself.

This information teaches you the importance of surrendering to what is. You will gain insight as to why you need to surrender and most importantly, how to surrender…

Surrender to whatever life sends your way ~

To be in a state of allowing everything that life sends your way is Consciousness with grace. “Resist nothing.” Get into the habit of acknowledging, accepting, allowing and surrendering to every moment of your life’s situation. Here’s a simple mantra , “It is as it is” or create one for yourself.

Your current situation already is, so to acknowledge and to accept that which already is lends itself to a state of ease, lightness, maturity and wisdom. The alternative might be the familiar responses such as, “This shouldn’t be happening!” “I don’t deserve being treated like this!” You can hear the resistance, anger and denial in these words as these states of unconsciousness prolong suffering and create a negative perspective. This in no way means you become a doormat. You definitely need to take care of yourself, but this process will assist you in personal empowerment that you care for yourself from a balanced, centered perspective rather than a reactive one.

Begin the process by amplifying the light in all the cells of your body—strongly, clearly, boldly. Keep making your light stronger each time you do this. Then go into the surrendering process. Whenever you surrender to what is, you are completely focused on yourself, how you feel about the situation. You are not processing the stories, the people, the situations, you are completely attuned to your feelings in reaction to your hardship and suffering. Try this instead of trying to manage any number of issues outside of yourself in need of attention. Often times, your feelings take a back seat to other seemingly more important issues.

I’m encouraging you to surrender by focusing on only your feelings that create hardship in your life. When you (1) Feel the light in the cells of your body, then you (2) feel the feelings about the challenging life situation, (3) what happens is the activated light you filled yourself with surrounds the painful feelings which then is transformed into light. How graceful is that!? Surrender becomes a pleasurable spiritual experience, once you understand how to do this.

Simply be true to your feelings when surrendering. You feel your pain, suffering, disgust, anger, humiliation, grief, dread, the fear, the betrayal, shock, resistance, loss, feel the nausea, feel it and just be with it. Don’t think about it, or tell yourself a story about it, just feel it and stay with how YOU feel about the situation. When you consciously feel your feelings, you are bringing the light of your Consciousness directly into these dark spaces and turning the darkness into light. After some time, you may want to shift your focus again and amplify the light in the cells of your body. But this time there will be more space for more Consciousness throughout your entire body, mind and spirit. What could be more beautiful?

The acceptance of your feelings about the situation should be so complete that you hold it as though the hardship was your idea. As if you created all the hardship in your life, embrace these challenges fully with the light of your Consciousness. Affirm that you surround the light of your Consciousness into and around these hardships as though you were giving it a hug. This may be challenging at first given the situation but try and get into the habit of accepting everything as it is. Embrace it for the joy and pleasure of extending your light around the pain and hardship your beautiful self ever endured. After all, these are the things in life that forge our character, our strength and bring us to the awareness of Spirit, so extend your light of Consciousness around these states of unconsciousness and accept the ISness of the situation. You will see it dissolve into the light of your Consciousness by total surrender and then your unconsciousness becomes Consciousness that is brighter than before. Become the spiritual alchemist who turns suffering into the light of your own Spirit.

There may be some situations where surrender seems impossible. Some things are so painful that you just can’t. In this instance, simply increase the light to the cells of your body. In so doing, you will clear some of the difficulty but you will also build the necessary courage to someday feel the pain residing deeper inside. Don’t worry about a thing, you’re fine. Amplifying the light helps your situation as well. In certain situations, feeling pain could be nothing less than an act of bravery! Over time, you will come to see that your courage to feel pain will increase as you understand and appreciate the process that turns hardship into the light of your Consciousness. Increasing your personal light serves as a magnet to create more and more light that draws positive situations to your life now and forever.


Great Spirit, I dedicate this day to learning how to let go. Show me everything about the grace of surrendering to everything you bring to me. I know there is a higher Consciousness that knows me better than I know myself. Everything in my life is designed to make me aware of how to bring the light of Consciousness or Spirit inside myself. Only this allows me to evolve and become more empowered, more conscious of the power of spirit in all I do. Show me how to make my life more aligned to you by gracefully relinquishing control and bringing the light of Consciousness to the situations that come my way. You are present in all I do. I constantly bring my awareness of you with all I see and do throughout every moment of my day.

What to do when you're in crisis:

  • Breathe
  • Amplify the Light in your cells and feel the Light. Know that the Light is your Spirit or Consciousness.
  • Allow yourself to simply feel the pain or discomfort.
  • Stay in the present moment and continue to feel what you are feeling.
  • Breathe.
  • If you get the impulse to run from the pain, try to remain calm and allow yourself to breathe through the anxiety and feel.
  • Resist nothing.
  • Surrender, accept, acknowledge, allow or welcome the feeling of your challenge with an affirmation, such as:

"It is as it is."

"It is, it already is, it is."

"Thanks for everything, I’ve no complaint whatsoever."

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