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Nell Arnaud's Blog

Sep 25, 2021

Ptaah's notes on Metabolism

Your immune system is the center of health and depends on a well-functioning metabolism.  Usually, we equate metabolism with weight gain and the need to diet.  Generally, people believe if your metabolism is high, you can burn off the fat, if it’s low—it difficult to lose weight.  In truth, it 's important to have a balanced high functioning metabolism for good immunity and good health.

We are fortunate to have the information from Billy Meier and Ptaah, who bring valuable, truthful and extensively researched information with respect to Metabolism.  Billy Meier is an 83 y.o. Swiss, who is visited by beings from another world.  His main contact is a 775 year-old named, Ptaah, from the planet, Erra.  Ptaah is also a physician and shared with Billy 9 Rules for Metabolic Health: 


1.    L-Tyrosine

2.    Water

3.    Several small meals per day

4.    Sporting Activities

5.    Good and Correct Foods

6.    Coconut oils

7.    Acid-Base Balance

8.    Prevent stress-related ailments & bad moods

9.    Toxin-free foods 

Ptaah said, "If these nine rules for eating habits, food preparation and food production are observed and continuously implemented and integrated into everyday life, then after only a few days the first successes and recognizable effects in terms of successful metabolic regulation will become apparent."

Sending gratitude to Billy and Ptaah for bringing us this valuable information...

Cheers to your Good Health!



by Ptaah


Actually, the fundamental and decisive point or the ultimate point in the whole of the health of the human body – as in any other form of life – is metabolism, because if it functions properly, then the immune system is also in order and the body is less susceptible to diseases and suffering of all kinds. Can you say something about that for once, please?


39. The immune system is the center of health, and this depends on a well-functioning metabolism, through which every single cell of the body is supplied with everything it needs and which very quickly removes all useless substances and toxins from the body.

40. As a rule, when a healthy and not excessive intake of food is maintained or when there are no unhealthy fat-building factors, the cells slowly but surely break down excess fats and leave behind a feeling of lightness.

41. However, the metabolism can only function perfectly if it is provided with the right food and the necessary prerequisites are created.

42. Basically, the metabolism must always be stimulated in the right way, because only then can it actually function in a healthy way.

43. Everything that is eaten must be processed and crushed, just as it must be sorted into useful and unusable items.

44. This is done on the one hand by preparing the food and on the other hand by chewing the food, which requires a good and healthy set of teeth, as well as the necessary time to chew everything in a good way.

45. The food must not be 'swallowed down', but must be processed with the teeth in the mouth, otherwise it damages the digestion.

46. If everything is done in a good way, then everything useful in the stomach and intestines is split up and transported to the individual cells in the whole body, which take it up in split form, while the unusable is excreted as excrement – from the urinary tract as urine and the defecation from the gastrointestinal tract as feces – as quickly as possible.

47. This is the normal process of metabolism.

48. Through the metabolism, the body is also supplied with energy and heat, whereby body substance can also build up and thus grow, increase or regenerate, as well as all body functions can be maintained running.

49. One person can have a very fast and therefore not very effective metabolism, which causes him problems, however, to put on some healthy and necessary fat.

50. This while other people suffer from a very cumbersome metabolism that leads to rapid weight gain and makes all efforts to lose weight an almost pointless undertaking.

51. However, there are various methods of stimulating the metabolism and guiding it in the right direction in order to bring it back into a healthy equilibrium, i.e. to improve or increase it depending on the initial situation.

52. Below I will mention a few rules that include important changes in diet and lifestyle.

53. Everything is extremely easy to implement and can be easily integrated into everyday life, although the effects can sometimes be overwhelming.

54. And in order to explain the whole clearly, I want to list the following:

1. L-Tyrosine

55. 1) If a performance is to be increased in a healthy way and in the short term, then the amino acid L-tyrosine can be used.

56. This is a natural stimulant that can be taken, where

but any other kind of similar remedies, such as psychotropic drugs, must not be administered to the body.

57. If there is a need for an increase in performance, then the side-effect-less remedy L-Tyrosine can be used in a controlled manner to promote alertness and conscious vision.

58. Tyrosine is a very good solution for this purpose, because it is an amino acid that undoubtedly promotes mental performance, concentration and conscious as well as mental and emotional fitness.

59. Tyrosine can therefore be used without hesitation as a natural stimulant in times of high conscious and physical demands.


60. 2) For a healthy metabolism only pure spring water or filtered water should be drunk, because only pure water can fulfil the tasks in every cell to the fullest satisfaction.

61. Only pure water enables the body to flush out all environmental toxins, metabolic toxins, residential toxins and various other pollutants from the environment every day.

62. Coffee and tea also contain the necessary water, but it should be used sparingly and more pure water should be drunk, although the water requirement is fundamentally different depending on the person and cannot be generally stated with a certain quantity.

63. For example, one person needs – in addition to water intake through food – perhaps only two to six deciliters of water per day, while another needs one liter or more.

64. The daily amount of water also depends on your diet and lifestyle.

65. The more unfavorable food and drinks a person consumes, the more the organism has to excrete the inadequate substances, which has an effect on the need for water.

66. If only water is drunk and no or only a few dubious drinks such as soft drinks, coffee, juices, black tea and alcohol etc. are consumed, then half a liter or a liter of pure water per day can already work wonders.

67. This, of course, always provided that a lot of water-containing food is also eaten.

68. If, however, the usual diet of terrestrial people today is taken into consideration, consisting of extract flours, bakery products, ready meals, meat, strongly seasoned food in general, sweets, pasta and sausage etc., which contain very little or no water at all, then it is of course advisable to drink significantly more, but only as needed, which is effectively indicated by thirst.

69. In any case, it is important that only the necessary water is drunk, because water is not overly necessary to really stimulate the metabolism.

70. Since all the harmful substances absorbed from the environment and through food are one of the main causes of many malfunctions in the human organism and lead to many diseases, stimulating the metabolism to excrete and flush it out is one of the most important steps on the path to intensive health.


71. 3) The metabolism can be stimulated and regulated much more easily and sustainably if smaller portions are eaten more frequently and lavish main meals are consumed less frequently.

72. This stimulates the metabolism – especially with a calorie-reduced diet.

73. However, if too many calories are consumed at once, the body tends to store them as fat.

74. But if a person eats too few calories, the body switches to its hunger mode and stores carbohydrates as fat.

75. So it is very important to find a good balance between food and calorie intake, which can best be regulated by careful food selection.

76. Therefore, the various small meals and snacks should understandably not consist of ready-made soups, roasted and salted nuts, sandwiches and sweets, etc., but of fresh berries, tropical fruits, unsweetened fruit bars, vegetables, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, salads, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and fruit, as well as other foods rich in vital substances.

77. These foods are mainly alkaline and provide the body with an incredibly large amount of stimulating vital and mineral substances, which are very important for the metabolism.


78. 4) The metabolism can and must also be stimulated by simple sporting activities.

79. However, it must also be ensured that, with regard to the stimulation of the metabolism, particular importance is attached to the fact that, as a rule, slightly fewer calories are consumed than are needed for the actual immediate use.

80. If a sporting or working activity is carried out, then the body, which must constantly burn calories as a result of the sporting or working activity, will make better use of the food consumed, which is why it is necessary to be physically active in one way or another every day.


81. 5) The metabolism can also be stimulated with soluble dietary fibers, whereby a targeted selection of effectively good and correct foods can stimulate them particularly intensively.

82. However, only foods with a high nutrient density should be selected.

83. Accordingly, a food must have a higher nutrient density the higher its nutrient content and the lower its calorie content.

84. If such foods are used, then the body will still be well prepared for a few calories is supplied…

85. In addition, he is less stressed in the long run because he has to spend less time on processing than with low-nutrient foods, which usually have a high calorie content.

86. Foods that contain a high proportion of soluble dietary fibers have a particularly stimulating effect on the metabolism.

87. In contrast to low-fiber foods, high-fiber foods deliver significantly fewer calories at the same volume.

88. The advantage is also that these foods are chewed more extensively and therefore eaten more deliberately and also reduce the feeling of hunger because the stomach is filled.

89. In addition, this form of food is digested more slowly, which causes the blood sugar level to rise at a leisurely pace.

90. The whole thing also causes a lasting saturation for a longer period of time and in this way stimulates the metabolism in a highly effective way.

91. It is important to know that insoluble fibers, such as cellulose from whole grains, are not capable of absorbing water, while soluble fibers bind large amounts of water and therefore swell in the gastrointestinal tract.

92. These are the ones that ensure a smooth digestion and at the same time also cleanse the intestines, so that nothing gets stuck in them and therefore no 'cinders' can form.

93. Soluble dietary fibers are extremely valuable for stimulating the metabolism.

94. And if it is perhaps necessary for the body here and there, then valuable substances for stimulating the metabolism can be psyllium seeds or psyllium seed shells in particular, which should be taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach, as well as in the evening about an hour before dinner with sufficient pure water, whereby one tablespoon each is sufficient.

95. In addition, a tablespoonful of mineral earth can be added to the body in the evening, which increases the cleansing power of flea seeds and regulates the metabolism, which also means that snacks are no longer necessary.


96. 6) The metabolism can be stimulated with natural, high-quality, biological, cold-pressed coconut oil, because this oil contains triglycerides, which are briefly simply called MCT and which are contained in nature only in very few oils.

97. These fats are not absorbed by the body and are therefore not stored as fat.

98. In addition, they also lower cholesterol levels and, in addition to stimulating the metabolism, supply the body with high-quality energy and promote the absorption of calcium and magnesium.

99. It is also worth knowing that triglycerides are burned long before proteins, which is otherwise reserved only for carbohydrates.

100. Coconut oil can be used very well and especially well for frying and cooking because it does not develop any harmful substances that are harmful to health. This is because it remains stable even in heat and stimulates the metabolism, while other oils that are treated industrially cannot do this and thus strain the organism.


101. 7) A healthy diet is a vital necessity, which is why surplus alkaline and acid foods must be avoided and replaced by natural products, because an overly acidic body defends itself and reacts with complaints, which can be of many kinds.

102. If acidosis occurs in the body, this means that there is an imbalance between the acidic and alkaline substances.

103. If there is an over-acidification and this is not corrected in time, then considerable unpleasant effects arise in relation to the state of health.

104. In fact, the acid-base balance is the factor that decides between well-being and illness.

105. As a result, a whole range of health complaints occur, such as chronic bronchitis, diabetes, rheumatic diseases, gout, migraine, fatigue, osteoporosis, sleep disorders or even states of depression and moral dejection, etc.

106. If therapeutic measures against mild acidosis are necessary, they are usually very simple, and the person can carry them out without medical help.

107. The only thing you need to do is to make sure that you do not eat an excessive amount of alkaline and acid, but a balanced diet, and that you exercise sufficiently.

108. With a base-balanced diet, even temporary acid overloads can be quickly and naturally balanced and serious complaints and illnesses avoided.

109. If there are too many bases in the organism, then there is a surplus of bases in the blood, which means that the pH value in the blood rises, which has to be calculated with approx. 7 values for terrestrial humans.

110. If this value is exceeded, the so-called alkalosis develops, which causes anxiety, accelerated breathing, tingling, muscle cramps and trembling in the hands.

111. However, it must be said that alkalosis cannot only be caused by diet or the intake of base preparations, because if it occurs, its cause lies elsewhere, which is why a medical consultation is mandatory in such a case.

112. In contrast to alkalosis, acidosis is caused by an excess of acid, whereby the pH value of the blood drops below 7 values.

113. However, as with alkalosis, the pH value in the blood can be normal, but the values of the buffer systems are increased or decreased, which usually results in respiratory disorders.

114. In severe cases, acidosis can lead to coma, but at least to physical weakness and confusion, which of course means that it is important to seek medical attention.

115. Far more frequent than a severe acidosis is a latent acidosis or a slight acidosis of the organism.

116. In such a case the acid content in the organism is too high and the buffer systems are at their limit, but the pH value of the blood is normal.

117. If a high acid load on the body lasts for years, then it is a chronic latent acidosis, and over time this constant overloading leads to health complaints and even severe physical suffering and damage.

118. The correct pH value is very important for human health.

119. The pH scale according to earthly specifications ranges from 0 to 14, with a pH value of 7 being neutral, while all values below 7 are acidic and all values above 7 are alkaline.

120. In the body it depends on the fact that in each range the suitable pH value is given.

121. For example, the blood should have a different pH value than the large intestine; again, the small intestine should have a different value.

122. Consequently, the regulation of the pH-values also belongs in any case to being healthy or to becoming healthy of the whole body or the whole organism.


123. 8) Stress and worries must be avoided because they affect not only the nerves but also morale and mood.

124. It is therefore necessary to prevent stress-related ailments and bad moods by eating the right foods, just as the body can also be supplied with certain useful food supplements to strengthen the nervous system.

125. In addition, holistic measures are necessary to make people happy again and to counteract these diseases of civilization.

126. These diseases of civilization, together with all sorts of physical-organic diseases and ailments, are based on the causes of toxic environmental influences and false lifestyles that have replaced earlier epidemic infections such as cholera, plague, tuberculosis, etc. on Earth.

127. Today, however, these hardly play a role any more, whereas the many diseases of civilization are constantly increasing, which have been rising continuously for more than a century and infect more and more people, making them depressed, sick and miserable, increasingly delusional and confused, up to the stage in which they rob themselves of their lives.


128. 9) It is true that the human body or organism on earth is increasingly confronted with toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel and palladium, etc., and in the worst case with radioactivity.

129. All these substances burden and damage not only the immune system, but also the intestines, liver, kidneys, etc.

130. And this happens because wide areas of Earth, the waters and the breathing air as well as the direct environment of men on earth are impregnated by all the poisonous substances and it is no longer possible for them to avoid them and to completely avoid contact with them.

131. It is therefore important to make sure that as much of the food as possible is free from these toxins, which is unfortunately only possible by purpose-built food cultivation in one's own fields and gardens, if no artificial fertilizers and no toxins of any kind are used to thrive or protect the plants.

132. Although there are also the so-called BIO products in this respect, unfortunately it is not always guaranteed that even with these, as with normal planting, they are free of any toxins that can damage health when consumed.

133. So care must be taken to ensure that foods are used that contain no or as little as possible of any toxins that are artificially supplied to them.

134. If these nine rules for eating habits, food preparation and food production are observed and continuously implemented and integrated into everyday life, then after only a few days the first successes and recognizable effects in terms of successful metabolic regulation will become apparent.

To read the entire Contact Report between Ptaah and Billy Meier, click on the link:

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