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Nell Arnaud's Blog

Nov 05, 2022

Immunity:  Strengthening your Immune System

All information is taken from the Contact Reports of Billy Meier, an 85 year old Swiss man and Ptaah, an 800 year old human being from the planet Erra, which is located within our galaxy.  Ptaah is the leader of his world, as well as a physician who has clarified many aspects of the Corona Virus for us.  Ptaah and his advanced research teams of Plejaren, have provided extensive in-depth information on a number of issues, including various topics on health, immunity while maintaining safety in a pandemic.

Whether you've had COVID, or you've taken the vaccine, or you simply want to take Preventive Measures to preserve good health, your knowledge of strengthening the Immune System is of absolute importance.

This information is gathered from the Contact Reports by the  FIGU Health Resource. The FHR is comprised of members of the Free Interest Group Universal, disseminating the teachings of Billy Meier and the Plejarens with a special focus on  providing valuable health information to all interested ones.

The Immune System...

is a beautiful system that protects your health and enhances your ability to enjoy life.  It is comprised of organs, cells, tissues and substances, constantly alert to defend you from all kinds of pathogens as quickly as possible. To keep your immunity strong, it is necessary to develop healthy habits.  Those who are best prepared to fight disease and the pandemic, have a strong functioning immune system. Consider this list of recommendations for a healthy immune system which enhances a good quality of life. 

1. A Balanced Diet—Proper nutrition is important for a good immune system through a healthy and balanced diet so the immune defense system can function optimally. Whole foods are preferred over processed foods. 

2. The body needs Good Vitamin Supplements with sufficient vitamins, minerals, trace elements & secondary plant substances.  Supplements of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin D, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Vitamin E enhance immunity. This is usually done through the diet however, since natural foods have long since lost their nutritional value, food supplements have become necessary and supportive.

3. The Intestine are vital for the immune system, with about 80% influence on the body's defenses and on health. The intestine, is the most important organ of all in the immune system.

4. Kefir is a fermented milk drink high in Bifidobacterium and other probiotics that have demonstrated health benefits and immune enhancement. 

5. Vitamin D - Sunshine gives you free Vitamin D which has many curative factors for immune health. Vitamin D supplementation is an effective way to keep a strong immune system and lessen the impact of COVID.

6. Overweight or Underweight is harmful to health as all overweight increases the susceptibility to infections. Being underweight is usually accompanied by a nutrient deficiency as well as a mineral deficiency, which negatively affects the immune system.

7. A High-Fat Diet is to be avoided as it impairs the function of the immune system. This increases the susceptibility to infections dramatically and uncontrollably

8. Sufficient amounts of Omega-3 Fatty Acids need to be part of your diet. Foods with high quantities of Omega-3 fatty acids are in fish, i.e., salmon, sardines, as well as linseed and rapeseed oil, among others.

9. A Healthy Diet should be Varied—one main food should not be used repeatedly within 12 days.

A diet without variety is unable to provide the necessary natural minerals. This impairs the immune system and promotes overweight or obesity.

10. Walking Barefoot on the Earth whenever you get a chance enhances immunity.

11. Get back to the basics of human kindness, laughter and compassion as these enhance immunity.

12. The brain is important for the immune system, damage to the brain makes a person more susceptible to infections caused by pathogens, especially when the left hemisphere of the brain has been damaged. 

13. Certain Genes have an influence on the immune system, and also on various brain functions of various brain areas. Immunological diseases can negatively affect memory function of the brain and the nervous system. 

14. Avoid Stress and Anxiety as it suppresses your immune system's effectiveness.   One reason is that stress lowers the number of killer cells or Lymphocytes which are needed to fight viruses.

"To learn about the immune system is the most important thing that all humans should know."


Always consult with your health provider before changing your medical protocol. 

More in-depth information regarding immunity is available at the following link:

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