Blog Post

Nell Arnaud's Blog

Sep 06, 2020

The Healing Power of  Daydreams

Did you know that you can heal your psyche by daydreaming? A feel-good daydream that you can get lost in, actually repairs your subconscious and helps you to manifest the world you want. It should become clear to you that we need to change our world and fast! Everyone needs to be very conscious of their thoughts at this time and to use the power of mind appropriately. One suggestion that helps with creating the life you want and the world you want is the simple, life-changing, healing process of Daydreaming!  

A Daydream can be of anything you want that is sweet, nice, beautiful and feels good. It can be a fantasy, a vision or thoughts of something you want to create in real life. Each time negative thoughts start to influence your thinking, stop and remember to dream. In so doing, you begin to repair and re-pattern your psyche as well as create the life you actually want to have. 

Hopefully by now, you've learned to appreciate being in Quarantine.  Approach this time as an opportunity to reinvent yourself and to begin life anew. Visions, dreams, and thoughts are powerful and are an opportunity to create the beginning of a new life. Imagine that you are an artist approaching a blank canvas.  What will you create?!? 

Below are some of my own daydreams. Below my daydreams is a vision shared by Deborah Scarborough from Hawaii.  Perhaps these entries will spark ideas for your own dreams. What would you like to create for your personal life? What is your vision for the Earth and it's creatures? Feel free to write them, send them to me and I will add them to this blog.  Perhaps we can help one another remember how important it is to dream...


Nell’s Daydreams  

Many inventors make the best use of sheltering-in-place as they create new resources to help us feel safe and free. The first invention is a type of protective clothing, that is comfortable and looks good. It has a special breathing apparatus making it easier to move about freely without the threat of viral infections. This protective clothing is absolutely 100% safe to go about with the activities of our lives.  

Many scientists and researchers find a way to completely eradicate COVID-19. They find answers for the healing of all infectious diseases that have been affecting people for decades. Finally, everyone is free and clear of these types of conditions—HIV, all forms of Herpes, the flu, the common cold, cancer, autoimmune conditions, (add some of your own ideas here.) These and all other diseases are identified, managed with gentle healing modalities that reinforce good health and a good quality of life for all as long as you live.

Humans realize that Earth is a paradise.  We create cities and allow the natural spaces to be an expression of the beauty and wonder of Earth.  Everyone is grateful to feel nurtured and happy just by living here.  Just as humans walk in nature to enjoy life and feel restored, this sense is created and fostered in cities and towns wherever you go. The landscape maintains balance and creates a healing vibration constantly reminding us of the consciousness present in ourselves and throughout the world.  

Consciousness flourishes all over the earth. People easily sit quietly, go within to find the treasures of peace, love, care, beauty and feelings of well-being. The quarantine has been a good teacher to go inward, live in peace and balance. The Humans recognize Consciousness in one another and in all things. Everyone feels safe to express themselves and to grow spiritually. We become a planet of aware, beautiful healthy humans who treasure the sacredness of life in all we do.  


A Whale’s Message to Remember
A Vision by Deborah Scarborough

One bright beautiful Hawaiian day, I was walking on a secluded beach to connect with myself and nature. This beach is located on the windward side on the island of Lana’i, and all the world’s trash, especially plastic, washes up on the beach so I always pick up trash as I walk along. Seeing this trash always sends a ping of dismay to my heart and sometimes I’m filled with grief for Mother Earth and the Aina. (Hawaiian for land) However, small as it is, picking up trash with the intention of honoring the Earth seems to relieve the sting of dismay and grief. 

As I walk, I watch turtles swimming in a sea of plastic and an endangered Hawaiian Monk seal lounging on the beach. I reflect about their world swimming in a polluted ocean and wish things could go back to the ancient times when Hawaiians and man lived in harmony with the Earth and honored all her creatures. 

As I continue on my walk, I stumbled upon a whale bone from a whale that beached itself 7 months prior. During the time that the whale beached itself, I was living on Maui and there were many whales beaching themselves there too. I stood and looked at the bone wondering what life was like for that whale, then suddenly, I received an invitation to stand on the bone and find out so I listened to spirt and stepped on the bone. 

Instantly I was transported to a time when there was no plastic, pesticides from agriculture or radiation in the ocean surrounding the Hawaiian Islands. It was the most beautiful and uplifting vision that the whale was showing me. 
In this vision, I saw a pod of humpback whales swimming in a pristine ocean with luminous light shining through from the sun showing every detail of a close nit whale family. The male was singing his song. A baby happily swimming close to his loving mother alongside another female. The color of the ocean had brilliant blues and greens with life teaming everywhere. Many fish that I haven’t seen in years were swimming in large schools over healthy coral along with turtles who had plenty of limu to eat and sharks where gracefully swimming in their territory. Every creature was aware of each other and truly living in paradise. The whole ocean was sparkling with vibrant energy. Molokai which is off in the distant, was also vibrating with the lush greenness of the jungle and plenty of rainfall. I soaked all this beauty in and began to embrace this amazing ocean paradise as light, joy and love washed over me and an occasional splash from the waves. I wanted to stay in this paradise forever. 

Just then, the whale told me to always remember this paradise and that it exist even today. He shared that both exist simultaneously and to envision what he showed me every day to help heal myself, others and the planet. He also told me that the virus that was scourging the Earth has indeed allowed the Hawaiian Islands and the Earth to heal even though it is causing suffering for mankind.  

I was in awe of this message and started to realize that I can contribute alongside with other light beings towards the healing of the Earth and the immense suffering that people are experience during these challenging times. All I need to do is daydream daily about this pristine paradise and all sentient beings who live here. He kept saying remember……remember……remember.

Before I stepped off the bone, I thanked him for his profound message and asked him what he died from. He replied, the ingestion of plastic. I then asked if he had a happy and full life which he replied, yes indeed. 

I stepped off the bone and stood in gratitude for this beautiful and profound message. This message and experience has changed my life forever as I continue on my journey of life embodying grace and Divine Light. 

Special thanks to Deborah Scarborough for her contribution.

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