Blog Post

Nell Arnaud's Blog

Mar 13, 2021

Helping you navigate through Coronavirus...

Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medicine whose discovery won the Nobel Prize in 2015, has proven, highly potent, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties in laboratory studies. In the past 4 months, numerous, controlled clinical trials from multiple centers and countries worldwide are reporting consistent, large improvements in COVID-19 patient outcomes when treated with Ivermectin. (

Obtaining a Prescription for Ivermectin
  • Go to your Primary Care Physician and get a prescription. Here’s some information you can share with your doctor about Ivermectin:
  • If you’re unable to get your Primary Care Physician to write you a prescription, here’s a list of doctors who do write this prescription—this is the COVID-19 Doctor’s Directory: 

I’d like to thank the following people for sharing their experiences and information on Ivermectin and notes on obtaining a prescription: 

Thanks to Rick Sand:

Here is a link to a doctor that prescribes Ivermectin based on an online questionnaire - the cost is $55. There is no charge if it is not suitable for your situation. Also note, you do not need to install an app, just click on the "Appointments" at the top to do the online questionnaire and payment. It’s not really an appointment, just a questionnaire followed up by a secure email. Note you need to type 'proceed' in the response email (specified at the bottom of lots of medical info) if he says you are eligible for an Rx and you wish to do it. This site covers 31 states. Unfortunately, it does not include TX and CA.

Thanks to Barbara Ricotta, RN, L. Ac.: 

“My Naturopathic Doctor friend told me she needed to get a prescription written by an MD to get her Ivermectin. Then she went to “” for a discount coupon for CVS and was able to get her prescription for Ivermectin filled for about $17.  I haven’t called my doctor yet but I plan to as I believe it will be good to have this Med on hand.”

Thanks to Mij Shippen

Dr. John Campbell on Ivermectin - 23 minute YouTube

The following is a concise, One Page Summary of the Clinical Trials for Ivermectin and COVID-19
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